Posted on 09-27-2021 08:27 AM
I'm new to JAMF and work with a MSP. We are trying to build a package that installs our ConnectWise Control app on our clients Mac computers. So far we have no success in our testing and creating this package with Composer. Has anyone been successful with achieving this?
Posted on 09-27-2021 10:39 AM
I am a client for an MSP that provides me ScreenConnect as a service. I downloaded the package and added it to my packages just as I did any package. SC also allows for a download link that appears to be static for each client. You could take that URL and script the download and install from that for each client.
Posted on 09-27-2021 10:57 AM
@MatthewGV I did the same as your first mention with no luck. Did you package it as a .dmg or .pkg? Also, where did you find a static URL for the download?
Posted on 09-27-2021 11:06 AM
In ScreenConenct there's an option to make a build (this could be restricted by your admin). When you do that you have the option to copy the URL or download it based on the available options. You would select your client and Mac, which gives you a pkg that you can use without repackaging. Before you copy the URL or download make sure you've selected all the options you want for all the fields and it will build the package accordingly.
09-27-2021 11:22 AM - edited 09-27-2021 11:27 AM
Gotcha. OK, that's what I did. How did you package it for JAMF Pro @MatthewGV? PKG or DMG?
Also, how did you combat the required permissions for Screen Recording and Accessibility?
Posted on 09-27-2021 11:58 AM
It creates a PKG and I use that without modification or repackaging necessary.
You can't get around the screen recording issue, the users have to enable that option. It's a macOS security feature but you can make a policy for Accessibility.
I also created a script and deployed it to all my machines that gives be the option for a clean uninstall of ScreenConenct. ConnectWise posts that in their documentation. This is my failsafe in case I need to remove SC. This has come up quite often for me, usually after a OS update or SC update. Sometimes you can reinstall via SC but when the machine won't even connect to SC in the first place being able to wipe SC out and re-push the install usually resolves the issues.
Posted on 09-27-2021 12:11 PM
Very nice! I'm gonna stop asking questions soon I promise lol. For the PKG, did you just upload it to JAMF or did you run through the procedure they show in JAMF Training video on packaging.
Posted on 06-05-2024 05:39 AM
Here is the script I use which goes out to the server and downloads a fresh copy each time so that you are always on the latest version. In the part that says <URL> copy the URL from the image above. Put all of your settings in that you want the choose Mac OS pkg. instead of hitting Do\wnload, click Copy URL. Pates that into <URL> in the script and setup a policy.
# Download the ConnectWise Control client setup package
curl -L -o "/tmp/ConnectWiseControl.ClientSetup.pkg" "<URL>"
# Install the ConnectWise Control client setup package
installer -pkg "/tmp/ConnectWiseControl.ClientSetup.pkg" -target /
# Remove the Installer
sudo rm -rf "/tmp/ConnectWiseControl.ClientSetup.pkg"