Installing JSS, can not get past MySQL

New Contributor II

Trying to install JSS (9.62) on a Mac Mini running 10.10.5. I have Java installed and as you see in the video is not installed yet. I created the screen grab of me installing MySQL, creating database and granting privilege. I copy and past the text from the manual, I reboot, I try my IP rather then localhost, Im hitting a wall here. Any help out there?

Link to video (sorry some of it is cut off, my bad).
Dropbox video



Try port 3307 instead of 3306. The newer Oracle MySQL installers are using that now.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

Everything else looks correct and no errors from the mysql prompt.

You can check if it is a port issue with the nc command nc -z localhost 3306 (or 3307) and see if you get a response.

New Contributor II

That was it, port 3307.


Valued Contributor

I had the same problem a few weeks ago and this was the solution (port). I suggested to our support rep that they need to update the KB article.

Valued Contributor III
Valued Contributor III

I ran into this same thing when building a new beta instance of the JSS. Updated documentation would be helpful if this is indeed now a thing.

Valued Contributor II

This must be unique to the Oracle MySQL installer. I recently installed the JSS (9.73) on a Ubuntu Server VM and requested the package mysql-server-5.6 from the ubuntu public repository. It was not necessary to change the port number in this instance.

Valued Contributor

It's how MySQL is started apparently. If you start through the System Preference pane it uses 3307, if you start from the command line it uses 3306 I believe. I'd consider this a MySQL 'bug' since I can't think of a reason for that kind of behavior, it only causes confusion (as seen here).

New Contributor III

Could the gui vs. cli port difference have to do with the underlying .cnf file used (or not used) by the respecitive methods?