Installing McAfee Security for Mac 1.0 (aka VirusScan 9)

Honored Contributor


I had major major problems getting McAfee Security for Mac (aka MSM aka VirusScan 9) installed through Casper Imaging. But, I've got it. So, if you're running into the same problem, here's how you do it (and it's actually really easy)

  1. Using Casper Admin, copy the McAfee supplied mpkg installer to the JSS. Name it whatever you wish.
  2. Create a policy with a custom trigger to install MSM. I called the trigger "installmsm"
  3. Create a script that will call that trigger. (basically, "sudo jamf policy -trigger installmsm")
  4. Using Casper Admin, copy the script to the JSS. I called it
  5. In the configuration setup in Casper Admin, set the script to run at reboot.
  6. If you assign your Macs to your ePolicy Orchestrator (ePO) server, you can script that assignment at reboot as well. (cd /Library/McAfee/cma/bin and then ./updsite -i <<server name>> -p <<server port>>) Be careful with this step however because you'll need to name these scripts so that the install happens before the ePO assignment. Scripts at reboot run in alphabetical order.

Apparently, the MSM installation is VERY picky about running on a booted OS. Casper Imaging would simply sit on that step on the spinning gear and never ever finish or skip it. Pulling apart the MSM mpkg into the component installations and preserving installation order didn't work either because of pre/post flight scripts in the wrapper mpkg. If you're good enough to extract these and get them to work right, good on ya - I couldn't.

Phew! Hopefully this will help someone out.
Jared F. Nichols
Desktop Engineer, Infrastructure & Operations
Information Services Department
MIT Lincoln Laboratory
244 Wood Street
Lexington, Massachusetts 02420


Contributor III

Not too surprised. I have it similar for sophos; script that is part of FirstRun that installs it by calling a policy. Or you have a policy for a smart group of systems lacking that app that installs it at a startup or whenever.

Craig Ernst
UW-Eau Claire
(715) 836-3639

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