I'm getting ready to deploy the InstallLion.pkg http://managingosx.wordpress.com/2011/09/08/update-to-automated-installs-of-mac-os-x-lion/ via Self Service, but I noticed something strange. Everything works as I would expect, except when I check the Logs on the JSS, the run count is 0. I'm pretty sure that it has to do with me adding /sbin/reboot to the Run Command under Advanced, but thats the only way I can get the installation to take place once it's rebooted. If anyone else has gone this route and the run count is actually showing something, can you let me know what you are doing differently? I've tested this on 8.22 (Main JSS) and 8.4 (Test JSS), with the same results. My policy is just Install Pkg and Run Unix Command '/sbin/reboot'