Investigating Hardware Issues

New Contributor II


I'm checking out the 'Hardware and Software History' logs in Jamf Pro for a Mac that's experienced some issues with the NIC. I read the documentation for how to use the logs, but it's unclear to me how to further investigate something that's listed in red (a piece of hardware that changed during an inventory report). Does anyone have any insight on this? Is there a way to view more specific logs?

Screenshot 2022-12-29 at 2.01.53 PM.png


New Contributor III

So bear in mind whilst the OS version hasn't changed the timestamps between the entry with the NIC seen and without is 2 days. As it's Macbook Air it's going to be a USB-C to Ethernet adapter, correct? So I'm going to say that at the time the data was collected the NIC wasn't connected on the later entries. Is the adapter always connected to the device 100% of the time?


What are the issues that you are experiencing with the NIC?

New Contributor II

It's actually a docking station (Dell D6000) that the user has the Mac connected to. The ethernet cable is connected through the docking station. You make a good point, though - maybe the user disconnected the MacBook from the dock to use as a laptop.

The issue is that they seem to have lost the NIC connection for a short period of time (during which Wi-Fi didn't kick in and they weren't able to load web pages).