iOS Assignment Web Clip Idea for Anyone to Use.

New Contributor III

I'm not sure how you guys have been keeping up with whose iPad is assigned to who.

This is something I implemented and it works great.

It does require you utilize the Username assignment aspect of Casper.

  1. Create a new Config Profile called "Assignment Web Clip"
  2. For the label type $FULLNAME
  3. For the URL I made it go to a webpage I set up explaining the purpose of the Web Clip (If you are able, you could link it to a SIS profile of the student or something by utilizing a token in the URL)
  4. I set the icon to be something like this: 1391bd64cfd44197923e7f1a3d198bf2
  5. Make it not removable

Then save that and go to "Smart Groups"

  1. Create a new group called "Assigned iPads"
  2. The criteria will be any iPad that have a value for username so "If Username Not Equal to Blank"

Save that and go back to your Configuration Profile and make the scope for the Assigned iPads group.

Now whenever you assign an iPad to a student, this Web Clip will download and the title will be the student's name. This way when you are working on several iPads you can instantly know whose iPad belongs to who.

If you have any alternatives to this, let me know.


Contributor III

Nice one! However, our students organise their icons into folders, so it would take too much time to look for that one icon to find the student's name, if you're working on many iPads at the same time. I keep a Number spreadsheet with master list of all our iPads and assignments.

But I'll give this one a try!

Valued Contributor III

I do exactly this, but did not think to share the TIP - good job!

Mine is a web clip to logging into their school GMail account, so they can accept the EULA, set password, etc.

In addition, I have an Extension Attribute called "Deployed?" with a Yes value (it'll be blank otherwise). If it is not Yes, I push a web clip (I think it goes to with just the student's Last Name (populated from LDAP - had to use the Phone Number field) and yet another web clip with the student's Advisory / Homeroom number (populated from LDAP, Room field). So I committed to updating another LDAP field for Room but it rarely changes across the student's four years here. This year we deployed to Advisories so I was able to sort the iPads appropriately.
