iOS "Disable USB Restricted Mode" Profile

New Contributor III

Hi all,

We have finally got our 400+ iPads supervised and enrolled (via AC2), but 167 of them are missing the "Disable USB Restricted Mode" profile, which means those devices cannot be connected to teachers' MacBook/iMac devices for syncing, etc.

Apparently, the profile is added to devices during the "preparation" phase using Apple Configurator. We see the profile on devices with iOS 9-12. The devices missing the profile are cross all boundaries between iOS versions, storage capacities, static/smart groups, other apps and profiles, etc. Identical devices may or may not each have the profile.

It's really strange that so many devices do not have the profile because all of the devices were configured on the same machine with the same blueprints and in the same way, but at the moment I don't really care how it happened.

Right now, I just want to know how to get that profile on the devices without erasing and re-preparing.

Any ideas? Is there a way to download a profile from a (supervised) device and then add that profile to other (supervised) devices?

Thanks in advance!



Contributor II

If you have the configuration file in AC2, you should be able to download in a .mobileconfig format. You can upload this to JAMF Pro and deploy them to the devices. As long as you have the supervision identity from your AC2 is uploaded to JAMF Pro, you should be able to deploy.