Posted on
11:53 AM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
Out of 600+ devices in deployment, less than 12 show the following symptoms:
Self Service app will not install without entering an AppleID onto the device
-Will still prompt after an iTunes restore
-Will still prompt after Wipe Device command in Casper
-Will still prompt after erasing & recreating device record in Casper
-Self Service app is VPP device assigned, with 100+ licenses still available
-Any AppleID entry will kickstart Self Service to download
-May still prompt after (entering an AppleID & letting it automaticly download & wiping unit again to retest)
Figure that over 600 devices can be wiped clean, and automatically download Self Service without any AppleID entry, I'm confused as to what is happening to this small subset.
Thanks for reading!
Posted on 07-21-2016 12:06 PM
Check the version iOS installed. I have seen this happen on iPads that had pre-iOS 9.
Posted on 07-21-2016 03:12 PM
I had a similar issue yesterday!
Self Service asked for an Apple ID, even though it's managed through VPP.
I removed the device from Casper, restored the iPad back to factory settings then re-enrolled it into Casper. This resolved the issue.
We are also using DEP, not sure if this make a difference.
Posted on 07-21-2016 04:13 PM
@Coates I reported this issue last year, but it wasn't fixed, had been tracking it for a while, but have eventually realised, that if you delete the app listing, and re-add it, it fixes the issue.
From What I can tell, coming from a VPP enrolment environment and transitioning the same app listing to a VPP to the device environment, the apple ID stored on the iPad, has conflicting data ether on the apple ID or against the user or app listing, as to how to handle the installation of the app, it appears like it wants to install against a VPP enrolment app installation, instead of a VPP to the device installation, so far deleting the app listing and re-adding it appears to be working, but I have only just started implementing this fix.
I reported it straight away, as I noticed in some cases, where the user had credit card details on their apple ID, it was charging them for the app purchase. Thankfully, the end user never noticed or complained.
Posted on 07-25-2016 09:17 AM
@jrwilcox All affected devices are on iOS 9.3.2. Restoring iOS was an initial troubleshooting step.
@stevevalle I could delete the record and re-enroll, but issue still persists. Any combination of an iOS wipe with deleting/reenrolling in Casper has not been fruitful.
I even went on and removed any devices that was associated. No further luck
Interesting observation with two of the few affected devices: For kicks and giggles I entered in an AppleID and let SS download. Then after wiping the device and its record, and allowing it to reenroll, it didn't prompt for an AppleID. This method was not full proof as majority will still prompt for an AppleID entry.
Posted on 07-26-2016 06:43 PM
@costes Whoops I attentioned the wrong personbefore...
What version of JSS are you running Costes?
I have this same problem... various apps, and various users/ipads.
I have one on hand at the moment, which I'm trouble shooting, I have managed to have two fix themselves, by deleting the app listing and rebuilding it, has worked for two of the apps, but not for the third one that I tried.
What app specifically is doing it for you ? One theory, was that perhaps the app developer, has removed the VPP license option, but hasn't removed from the app listing? Which I would highly, doubt apple would support that.
What seems to be the case is, the JSS, is treating VPP pushed to the device apps, as VPP to the user apps.
Had your user's been VPP invited in the past? Our's had been, but their invitation was deleted.
What country are you from? Another theory is the problem is locational based.
The only other thing I can think of is there is some sort of confused association, with the iPad and the app store, requiring the apple ID for it to install.
Posted on 07-26-2016 09:06 PM
After several hours, I am starting to isolate the problem, to the app store app.
IOS 9.3.3 and in cases where VPP to the device has been pushed, and possibly previously VPP to the user was distributed, the end user app had been removed, and the new VPP to the device app pushed.
From what I ahve had to do is search the app store for each app not installing, and tell it to stop installing, even when the app was deleted, it was still attempting to install.
There maybe other fixes, but from your original description, rebuilding the image should fix it.
In addition too, I was watching an app get distributed, which we had pulled from our app listing ages ago.
So far there installing, but very slowly... for some reason... so perhaps even the cache server could be playing a part.
Posted on 07-27-2016 08:11 AM
@Malcolm Self Service Mobile app. Even before adding any other app to scope, even without inputting any AppleID, right after Setup Assistant, Self Service should automatically install.
I've got plenty of licenses and it's scoped to all devices. And it's been successful for the other 99% of devices.
Currently down to 3 iPads still exhibiting the symptom.
Posted on 07-27-2016 05:23 PM
Are you distributing the Self Service Mobile app from the JSS settings, or as an App?
The self-service app, doesn't distribute as a VPP to the device app, but as a VPP to the user app - Kind of broken in my opinion... I think I had started a feature request to fix it.
You can distribute it as a VPP to the device app, turn off self-service icon completely in settings
Then set it up as an automated install app, via the apps section, in combination with vpp licenses to distribute it as a VPP to the device app. Without this ticked, it will treat it as a VPP to the user, which will require an apple ID to install.
And add the following in the app configuration tab (substitute JSSWEBPATH with your JSS web address):
Posted on 07-30-2016 08:54 AM
@Malcolm Good troubleshooting steps. No results.
With Settings -> Mobile Device Management -> Self Service set to Manual Install, and VPP Self Service Mobile App set to all devices, it will not download.
With Settings -> Mobile Device Management -> Self Service set to Install App Automatically for all devices, and VPP Self Service Mobile App excluding quarantined iPads, it will not download.
Posted on 08-18-2016 12:06 PM
@costes Did you ever get this resolved? I'm starting to have the same issue on one of our test iPads.
Posted on 08-18-2016 12:24 PM
@mvillafuerte Negative
Posted on 08-18-2016 12:30 PM
@costes We just got a few database commands to run from support that are supposed to fix an issue that seems similar to yours. I will let you know if this worked or not.
Posted on 08-18-2016 12:31 PM
@brushj Please share the results when you are done. Thanks.
Posted on 08-18-2016 12:39 PM
Make sure the app is not configured to 'Make app managed if currently installed as unmanaged' in the catalog. There is an Apple bug introduced in 9.3.2 and still in 9.3.3 (and probably 9.3.4 since it just closed a jailbreak loophole).
Posted on 08-18-2016 12:50 PM
@cdenesha Does having "Make app managed when possible" checked off matter as well? We have that checked off but not "Make app managed if currently installed as unmanaged".
Posted on 08-18-2016 01:02 PM
Just got confirmation that one of the iPads that has been displaying issues was successfully able to install apps after running the SQL commands from support. I have pasted them below, run at your own risk :P
Backup Database
STOP TOMCAT (Mac: sudo launchctl unload /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.tomcat.plist)
/usr/local/mysql/bin/mysql -u root -p
use jamfsoftware;
delete from vpp_licenses;
delete from icons where icon_id in (select icon_id from vpp_mobile_device_app_license_app); <--- make sure to run this BEFORE the next command below.
delete from vpp_mobile_device_app_license_app;
update vpp_admin_accounts set licenses_since_modified_token = '';
START TOMCAT (Mac: sudo launchctl load /Library/LaunchDaemons/com.jamfsoftware.tomcat.plist)
Posted on 08-18-2016 02:35 PM
@brushj No that setting is ok. Good thing as it is required for Install Automatically. :)
Posted on 08-19-2016 10:01 AM
The solution I posted above seems to have cleared up our issues. I have heard back from several of our sites that they are able to install apps correctly now.
Posted on 09-24-2018 06:20 AM
Sorry to comment on an older post. I"m currently having this same issue. I'm not familiar enough with Jamf to do what @brushj suggested.
Posted on 09-26-2018 07:28 AM
Sorry, this is about iOS, I was referring to macOS.