iOS Self Service

New Contributor II

I wanted to see if I was missing something obvious in Jamf Pro regarding iOS and Self Service.

Can I NOT deploy/install apps to iPads AND make them available to all of the other iPads via Self Service? If I deploy a classroom app to a set of iPads using "Install Automatically", I can't also have it in Self Service for everyone else?

I'd like to make all the educational apps available to teachers but also don't want to burden classrooms to use Self Service when they know exactly what they want on their set.



We manually add in a second entry for that app in JSS, we don't buy more copies, just add a second entry and set that to show in self service.

There is an annoying "feature" that JAMF assigns a licence for every device you make the app available to. You may only have 30 devices with an app installed but if you make it available in self service to the whole faculty you have to buy a copy for everyone whether they are likely to use it or not. The third post in goes through the (rather cumbersome) steps we use to work around the limitation.

Valued Contributor III

@plarkin Please vote up this FR.

New Contributor II


New Contributor II

Can anyone tell me how I'd create a second entry for an app in Jamf. Its not obvious to me.

Valued Contributor III

@plarkin You need to create the entry in the App Catalog manually, with a different name than the first one (mine end in "- Auto Install"). Mobile Devices -> Mobile Device Apps -> New. Have the first app in a second window so you can copy/paste the data in the fields (may need to click Edit to actually Copy, just Cancel when done).

Does this help?

New Contributor II

Yes! I'm assuming you just click the "New" button in the Mobile Apps area.
