iOS wipe

New Contributor

We are running version 10.29.2-t1621630998 I am wiping iPads to reuse with new students. Some of the iPads are not deleting out of the static groups they were previously assigned and not all apps are deleting even after I manually delete them from the static groups. Nothing shows up under management as pending. Anyone else having this issue?


New Contributor III

Hi @tmill can you confirm that on the apps that are staying on the device if the "Remove app when MDM profile is removed" is checked on? As for the Static Groups, the Static groups will not forget devices like Smart Groups would. You will manually have to remove the device if you don't want them in the group anymore. 

New Contributor

Hi @ChaseEndy 

I used Apple Configurator to wipe the iPads and found out that they stay in the static group and therefore the apps will reinstall. If you wipe the iPads with a command from JAMF then the iPads will be removed from the static group and all apps associated with the iPads will not reinstall. We do check "Remove app when MDM profile is removed" for all of our apps.

New Contributor III

That seems like it's running how it's expected, if you're wiping the physical data on the iPad and re-enrolling as a new student there will be no static group change, but if you send the wipe command from Jamf to wipe the iPad their static groups will be wiped automatically. Does that make sense?