iPad Prestage Enrollment issue, Device not picking up prestage

New Contributor II

Hope people are getting in on the holiday feelings!

Anyways, to my problem.
I have almost the same issue as described here: https://www.jamf.com/jamf-nation/discussions/22488/dep-prestage-issue-macs-not-picking-up-prestage

In Short: Device is visible and marked in the scope of a prestage enrollment profile, but during the device setup, the enrollment notification window does not appear.

With the difference being me using iPads instead of macs.

However, for me atleast is that other prestage enrollment profiles are working as far as i know. Atleast with other devices.
Ive tried using a different prestage enrollment profile for the problematic iPads just in case, but that didnt help.

This same problem occurs with all of the iPads in a batch. but other batches have worked fine. Even batches that im still adding to jamf trough prestage enrollment.
I've gone trough my device limit, could it cause problems?

Any help would be appreciated. I belive i can bypass this problem by manually adding each device to jamf using Apple configurator 2, but id hope to avoid using it since its more time consuming than simply starting the iPad and going trough a short setup assistant.


New Contributor II

In the end turns out we had the same problem as many others have had this month.
Problem being the TLS 1.3 in apache tomcat causing sync problems.
Turns out if you dont sync, you cant add new devices, but you can manipulate older devices that are in the system.

View solution in original post



@RoyU Have you tried un-assigning them from the prestage by removing the checkmark and saving? and then re-assigning them and saving? I've seen iPads show up in our prestage that showed the checkmark next to them but the status was actually showing "Unassigned" and the devices would not catch the prestage when setting them up. Simply un-checking, saving and then re-checking the device resolved my issue so that the devices status was actually showing as "Assigned" in the prestage.

Another thought, have you tried wiping the devices and trying to enroll again to see if they grab the prestage? I know in our environment, if the devices connect to the open SSID for enrollment before we are done making prestage moves/changes sometimes it is too late and the prestage changes will not catch, in this case I end up wiping the device and the prestage will then catch when I go to set it up again.

New Contributor

Hi i am having a similar issue , one of the ipad was locked and student forgot the passcode , so i wiped it, but after the wipe , it will simply not apply the prestage enrolment profile on it.
due to which it is not installing student restrictions scope.

New Contributor II

Hey @jr139, Ive tried to change prestage enrollments a couple of times, wiping devices that are connected properly and succesfully running from the problematic prestage profile, while the unsucceful ipads dont work from 100% working prestage enrollments.

I noticed the last time our jamf has had any connection was before we did an firewall upgrade, my money sits on the neccesary firewall ports not being open for proper apple push notification service communication. Any way for me to check this?

@Nullah as for you. In my shoes id check if the device is connected to an iCloud account, if thats the case then check with the student on going to their icloud account and release/remove the iPad form their account. If thats not the case then plug the ipad into a mac of sorts and force the device into jamf with apple configurator 2.

I noticed the last time our jamf has had any connection was before we did an firewall upgrade, my money sits on the neccesary firewall ports not being open for proper apple push notification service communication. Any way for me to check this?

Checkout this KB article for the network ports used by jamf pro and APNS: Network Ports used by jamf pro

New Contributor II

In the end turns out we had the same problem as many others have had this month.
Problem being the TLS 1.3 in apache tomcat causing sync problems.
Turns out if you dont sync, you cant add new devices, but you can manipulate older devices that are in the system.