Posted on 04-14-2015 03:52 PM
After all the teachers and students came back from term break, a small group of students and one staff (so far) had their WiFi configuration profile slipped-off from their ipads, please note that MDM profile was intact.
The settings for staff under Mobile devices are as follows.
==== User and Location ====
Username: auser
Full Name: User's Full Name
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Department: Staff iPads
Building: Epping
=== Configuration Profile (WiFi) ===
The configuration profile is scoped to All Mobile Devices
Limitation: Staff (LDAP)
Exclusion: Student (LDAP)
The settings for staff under Mobile devices are as follows.
==== User and Location ====
Username: astudent
Full Name: Student's Full Name
Email Address:
Phone Number:
Department: OneToOne-iPads
Building: Epping
=== Configuration Profile (WiFi) ===
The configuration profile is scoped to All Mobile Devices
Limitation: Student / Students1-to-1 (LDAP)
Posted on 04-14-2015 04:21 PM
In the devices record in the JSS is there any clues when the profile was removed?
Posted on 04-15-2015 05:33 AM
Is the profile still listed in Inventory, Profiles section? I've had occasional iPads where WiFi would prompt for a password for no reason and the profile was still installed.
I use an EA to "temporarily exclude from WiFi", which puts them into a SG that is in the Exclusion scope for my WiFi Configuration Profiles. I flip the EA to Yes to uninstall, then back to reinstall the profile.