iPads slipped off the Configuration Profiles

Contributor III

After all the teachers and students came back from term break, a small group of students and one staff (so far) had their WiFi configuration profile slipped-off from their ipads, please note that MDM profile was intact.

The settings for staff under Mobile devices are as follows.

==== User and Location ====

Username: auser
Full Name: User's Full Name
Email Address: user@domain.edu.au
Phone Number:
Department: Staff iPads
Building: Epping

=== Configuration Profile (WiFi) ===

The configuration profile is scoped to All Mobile Devices
Limitation: Staff (LDAP)
Exclusion: Student (LDAP)

The settings for staff under Mobile devices are as follows.

==== User and Location ====

Username: astudent
Full Name: Student's Full Name
Email Address: student@domain.edu.au
Phone Number:
Department: OneToOne-iPads
Building: Epping

=== Configuration Profile (WiFi) ===

The configuration profile is scoped to All Mobile Devices
Limitation: Student / Students1-to-1 (LDAP)


Honored Contributor II

In the devices record in the JSS is there any clues when the profile was removed?

Valued Contributor III

Is the profile still listed in Inventory, Profiles section? I've had occasional iPads where WiFi would prompt for a password for no reason and the profile was still installed.

I use an EA to "temporarily exclude from WiFi", which puts them into a SG that is in the Exclusion scope for my WiFi Configuration Profiles. I flip the EA to Yes to uninstall, then back to reinstall the profile.
