Is anyone deploying Guidance Software "EnCase" software?

Esteemed Contributor III

We have a request from one of the clients we support to deploy EnCase software to the Mac environment. Has anyone here used Casper to deploy this? Deployment is to mixed 10.4/5/6 Macs running mix of PowerPC/Intel architecture. Was hoping to hear from anyone about any gotcha's, deployment issues, post-deployment issues, etc.

I went to the Guidance Software site, they require a Dongle ID to access their KB library and support forums, so we're unable to do the usual legwork...



Contributor III

just a quick update. i wasn't able to get the launchd version working but did find their admin guide online. they recommend using a startupitem, which seems pretty dumb.

it does appear to work, though.

all pieces except for the binary are here. i'll merge into my luggage repo in a bit.

View solution in original post

Contributor III

New version uses launchD.

Old version can use launchD, you just have to go against what the instructions say to do.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

View solution in original post


Valued Contributor II

I've done it, only on Intel, on both 10.5 and 10.6.
On Feb 8, 2011, at 1:18 PM, Don Montalvo wrote:

It's a command-line utility and a Startup plist or launchd item. I think the PPC version is a differently-named binary.

I just created, using Composer, a .dmg to deploy those files, then a policy to install them. Said client requires the firewall to be enabled, and, following the encase install, end users were getting prompted about allowing the enosxintel process to allow connections. So, I ended up pushing out firewall preferences as part of the install as well...

I'm at the JAMF regional user conference today, will be back in the office tomorrow and can look at what I did.


Valued Contributor


Could you please share us your instructions and scripts (if any)?

We have provided with the enosxintel(binary file) and EnCase SAFE v6.18 Administration Guide to package. We have followed as described in the documentation to create StartupItems.

They have not mentioned about the location to drop the "enosxintel" binary file and the permission for the file. Also share us the best practices for packaging?

Thanks & Regards,

Valued Contributor II

Sorry, I've been a bit buried of late. I'll try to screencap the install .pkg I built for this, and any tricky policy options. We deploy a new firewall pref with an exception for encase already in it, since there is no way to programmatically add exceptions. I think I built the pref deployment as part of this policy...


Contributor III

bringing this back from the dead…

did you end up posting the launchdaemon anywhere?

i have the following at the moment, but it doesn't appear to work quite right. i also got no details from the vendor, so that's fun.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

did you run it daemonized?

Contributor III

just a quick update. i wasn't able to get the launchd version working but did find their admin guide online. they recommend using a startupitem, which seems pretty dumb.

it does appear to work, though.

all pieces except for the binary are here. i'll merge into my luggage repo in a bit.


I just finished explaining to our security team how ridiculous it is that they are still using StartupItems when I came across your post.

they recommend using a startupitem, which seems pretty dumb

Contributor III

New version uses launchD.

Old version can use launchD, you just have to go against what the instructions say to do.

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<!DOCTYPE plist PUBLIC "-//Apple//DTD PLIST 1.0//EN" "">
<plist version="1.0">

Esteemed Contributor III

Nice to see they listen to feedback. :)



I haven't touched EnCase in quite some time. Does anyone know if they support FileVault2 yet? Last I heard they were just starting to support FV1. They certainly seem to lag behind in support. : (

Contributor III
Nice to see they listen to feedback. :)

Nice when that happens. We have a vendor who still insists on using StartupItems to launch their software instead of LaunchDaemons, despite my having handed them a working .plist file... :rolleyes:


I'm having issues getting this to run. Several articles and 4 or 5 VM's later I still can't get this to work. Could anyone dust off their notes and assist me with this please?

Valued Contributor III

I just dragged the installer into Casper admin and we were good to go : )



I've installed it on a VM and and ran the following in terminal:

sudo /usr/sbin/enosxintel -d -i -p /usr/sbin -l 4445

But running:

sudo lsof -i -n -P | grep 4445

Show's nothing is running on that port. I'm blaming this on being sick as to why it's just not making any sense to me.

Contributor III

If you installed it already, then I would not run it again that way. Instead I would suggest just loading (or unloading and reloading) the launchdaemon that controls it, com.GSI.Servlet.


Just unloaded and loaded but without any progress. In Colsole this is seen over and over again.

11/18/14 4:13:49.090 PM[12]: kext com.GSI.kext.gsidrv  100009000 is in exception list, allowing to load
11/18/14 4:13:49.099 PM[12]: kext com.GSI.kext.gsidrv  100009000 is in exception list, allowing to load
11/18/14 4:13:49.000 PM kernel[0]: GSI driver loaded
11/18/14 4:13:49.000 PM kernel[0]: GSI driver unloaded
11/18/14 4:13:49.144 PM[1]: (com.GSI.Servlet) Throttling respawn: Will start in 10 seconds

After looking back this happens literally every 10 seconds just about. I'm going to start a new VM of Mavericks and do this piece by piece.
Once I have it installed I'm going to take a snapshot of that VM.

I wonder if I was given an older version perhaps....


Has anyone encountered any serious issues as a result of deploying this? As far as I can tell - this developer seems to be operating in the dark ages (using a KEXT ; KEXT is not signed ; binary is signed with their own certificate - not an Apple developer certificate ; documentation lists 10.9.4 as latest supported OS) ; scary messages in logs like "This service is defined to be constantly running and is inherently inefficient")

I'm seriously worried if I deploy - there will be a kernel panic on thousands of machines when they update to 10.10.x


Valued Contributor II

Last version I installed recently couldn't deal with encrypted VM. Hadn't yet tested with FV2. It was installed on 10.10.1 and later without any obvious issues/kernel panics, but wasn't tested by InfoSec to see if it worked.