Posted on
05:59 PM
- last edited
3 weeks ago
A Macbook user just raised an issue with me regarding they can't plug in a USB drive to ttransfer files.
I do know we have a restriction profile that stops iCloud, imessage. I don't know we had a restriction on USB connectivity.
If it a setting in JSS, where would I find this (and disable it)? We're using JSS 9.81.
Posted on 09-15-2016 07:21 PM
If you plug a USB mouse into his Mac, does it work? Does the drive mount on another machine?
USB ports are managed by an extension file - /System/Library/Extensions/IOUSBMassStorageClass.kext
If it has been deleted, then the USB ports will be disabled.
There is a Configuration Profile that can disable external Hard Drives.
Posted on 09-16-2016 03:58 AM
There's also a setting in the restriction payload for config profile that can prevent ejecting external drives, it's in the same area as the restriction fo "go to folder", "connect to sever" etc.
Could be worth checking in there as well.
Posted on 09-16-2016 11:31 AM
[](link URL)
/Library/Application Support/JAMF/DisabledExtensions/
Posted on 08-28-2019 09:00 AM
Yes i tried read-only USB but one time works me and after not blocking the Pendrive
Posted on 02-07-2022 07:25 AM
This is Deprecated. What is the new way to do this?
Posted on 09-07-2023 02:12 AM
Have you guys got any insights on this to disable USB??