Posted on 08-12-2013 05:08 AM
Hi All,
I'm having some issues with the two updates listed above being available to my local clients.
If I set the client to use Apple's SUS, these two updates are shown as required, along with an Airport Utility update.
If I set the client to use the Casper SUS appliance, only the Airport Utility update is shown. I have tried removing the branch completely and recreating it with no change.
When looking at the updates within the branch, the new iTunes update shows with the word "iTunes" as the version instead of a correct version number. I thought this could be the cause but the Security update shows version 1.0.
Any ideas?
Posted on 08-12-2013 05:18 AM
Mr. W,
I can't help you but recommend you look in to the google group for reposado, if you havent already!
Posted on 08-12-2013 05:38 AM
Hi Mr. V,
As you guessed, I have had a little look at the Resposado group and could only find a mention of the same issue with an iTunes 11.0.2 update but I couldn't see a resolution.