JAMF 100 Difficulty?

New Contributor

I am newbie to JAMF and its my first time using it to enroll MacOS devices into the environment. I wanted to take a couple of weeks to learn from the free JAMF 100 course and knock out the exam within that timeframe. Does this sound reasonable if I spend a couple of hours learning the material? I was curious if I could pass the exam strictly on the course material or its best to have hands on experience first. Thanks!


Valued Contributor

I’d say yes, spend some time watching the videos and I think you’ll be golden.

Esteemed Contributor

JAMF 100 is not that hard. My wife got tired of my rambling about work and took JAMF 100 herself a few weeks back. She got a 93%. JAMF 100 is designed for people who have less than 3 months experience, so don't expect it to be too hard. You got this.


Go through the JAMF 100 training and you should be golden. If you dont have access to a JAMF instance, I suggest taking extra time to memorize the JAMF GUI. They will ask you questions about the GUI elements, like what is not an option to export as a report from JAMF. Nothing too hard, but finding screenshots or info on the JAMF GUI may take some time if you are not familiar with searching JAMF whitepages. The test is also open book, take advantage of that.

Contributor III

Take the practice exam at the end of the course; if you pass that, you have a very good chance of passing the actual exam.  Remember: the class is free, the exam is $100

New Contributor II

it is easy to take jamf 100, those training videos and keypoints are much needed