Jamf Admin - Failing to upload pkgs.


Good Afternoon,

I've opened a support case with JAMF but haven't heard anything so I thought I'd try here until I do.

We're running JAMF 10.35.x and are unable to upload any pkgs to the cloud with JAMF Admin. The error is as follows:


There was a problem uploading the package to Jamf Cloud. Connection failure: "The operation couldn't be completed. ( error 504.)

This happens with any pkg file at any size. 




Valued Contributor II

You're probably running into PI-010453. Try Jamf Admin app version 10.34.


Unfortunately using 10.34.x doesn't seem to work either. 😑

Legendary Contributor III

Maybe I'm missing something, but is there a specific reason you're using Jamf Admin.app to upload into Jamf Cloud? I've always just used the web upload function within the console to do that myself. Have you tried doing it that way yet to see if there's any difference?

Honored Contributor

Agree - at least if you're in Jamf Cloud...haven't used Admin in years as the web interface works 98% of the time.  Most of the fails we might see these days are when someone packages something really large, and a couple of tries usually does it. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ 

New Contributor II

I noticed this issue today as well. I was using Jamf Admin 10.33. Then I tried 10.35. Both had issues. To get around this I had to just do the package uploads through Jamf directly. This actually seems way easier, but I do wonder why Jamf Admin isn't working.


Having the same issues. Went all the way back to 10.31 and still have issues. Its also not saving category changes and will not reflect deletion of packages in Computer Management > Packages. I also cannot delete packages from Jamf Pro that were already deleted from Jamf Admin, the page just loads blank.

New Contributor II

Did you ever get an answer from JAMF?  I am having the same issue am playing email volley with tier 1

New Contributor II

Up and running with 10.34.2

New Contributor

I'm also having trouble - trying to index packages and although it looks successful in Jamf Admin, changes are not reflected in Jamf Cloud. Category changes are also not working. Was running 10.32, updated to 10.37 today but will try with 10.34 if I can.

New Contributor II

Wanted to comment to keep this thread alive. I've also have been struggling with uploading a larger pkg through Jamf Admin (Ver 10.34.1) and the package initially completes the upload. But when I log out and log back into admin it shows that the package is highlighted red and the package is missing its file. 

Really crushing my work flow right now.

For those who may be curious. I don't upload through the cloud agent because anything pkg over 8gb doesn't play nice through the cloud agent. Doing it through Jamf admin usually works better...barely....but lately it's been 100% failure. I've uploaded this pkg over 20 times over the last two weeks now. It's getting to a point where I'm about to give up and go to erase-install for OS updates (which I don't want to do).


I just started getting this while trying to upload the latest version of Google Drive through Jamf Admin. I've always used Jamf Admin, even when we moved to the cloud and I haven't had any issues uploading packages. I was able to upload another package but the Google Drive package just won't upload.


I'm getting the same error 504 when trying to upload the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App (1,2 GB) through the Jamf Admin application. Uploading through Jamf Cloud failed the first time but seemed to work okay the second. 

During our initial Jamf jumpstart in 2020 we were recommended to use the Jamf Admin application as opposed to Jamf Cloud when managing packages. Not sure if that's still the official recommendation.

New Contributor III

This is the exact package that is giving me a headache right now.

Valued Contributor

We had issues of failures at various sizes but often at 2GB with Jamf Admin syncing from our on prem DP to the Cloud DP.  The result ended up being lots of files were not synced properly.

Making the cloud our default DP and our local one is defined in specific network segments to service just the local network has worked better.  Syncing from cloud to on prem DP has not had any failures.

I did get our Firewall people to help and they took off all the restrictions between us and the cloud including packet inspection but none of that helped so that's all in place again - I think the issue is back in the cloud but it must be really hard to prove that.

I did have the same error when downloading Mac OS installers from Apple.  In that case, packet inspection at the firewall was an issue but that has resulted in an upgrade of the firewall system.


We're using Jamf Cloud and I've had the most success uploading all packages directly through Package Creation to our Cloud Distribution Point. However, I've had issues using Chrome for this so I always upload through Safari and I haven't had an issues since. I've been able to upload Google Drive (the problem package for me) and Adobe Creative Cloud. We just use the Creative Cloud App without any of the apps so the users can install whatever apps they need once they log in. That creates a smaller package to upload/install from Self Service. 

Unfortunately I still see this in Safari:
