Jamf Compliance Editor upload button

Valued Contributor

I've created a set of compliance rules based on CIS Level 1 for Sequoia, I've created guidance, and saved the settings. But the "Jamf Pro Upload" button remains greyed out. I've uploaded before with a similar workflow, but I can't get the button to become clickable. The guide doesn't mention what criteria is required to make the button usable.

When creating guidance I've tried the viewing project button, and the upload button is still greyed out. And saving settings, and the upload button is still greyed out.

Tips? Tricks? Suggestions?

I /could/ manually upload everything... but why when there's a button to do it for me (supposedly).


Valued Contributor III

Ran into something similar. 

For me, the button wasn't grayed out. I went to upload the baseline, saw the spinning wheel, but it didn't upload. I did save the work, thinking I'd try again later.
When I went back, the project wouldn't open.
I ended up doing the entire CIS Level 2 for Sequoia over again. This time, thankfully, it uploaded.

Hopefully, you don't have to start over. But if you have the project up, maybe try to copy the work to another Mac?

Valued Contributor

And now some of the generated .mobileconfig profiles aren't fully (manually) importing into my dev instance running 11.11.1 since I still can't upload from JCE.

Some of the settings in the profiles, based on enabled compliance rules, are missing when I review them in Jamf (I thought maybe it might not be able show some of the settings), nor when I review the profile when installed on test machines. But they're listed in the .mobileconfig file created by JCE. So either Jamf isn't reading the files correctly, or the file is malformed somehow? Or some 3rd issue?

I've attached the contents of the generated .mobileconfig viewed in terminal, and what the target test machine shows the restrictions applied by the .mobileconfig as installed by Jamf.

New Contributor III

Sounds like it could be a permissions issue. 

I had the same problem after the app updated to v1.4

My fix was the following:

1. Deleted the app from the Applications folder

2. Downloaded new installer.pkg from Jamf Compliance Editor

3. Installed the new .pkg

Then when I opened my project the button was no longer greyed out and I could upload successfully.