Posted on 02-01-2023 08:51 AM
Good day JamF Nation.
Hoping someone can provide some insight.
i have a site that I manage and we use authchanger to either disable JamF connect or enable.
1 of the policies is set to reset the mac to default login and the other is to enable jamfconnect.
This works on all devices, except 1. The policies run without error, but the policy isnt applying to the device.
Posted on 02-01-2023 09:56 AM
There is really not a reason to disable JAMF Connect. You can configure JAMF Connect to ignore certain accounts to allow a local log in bypassing the "Connect" part. However since your issue is only happening with a single device, I would probably reinstall JAMF Connect and its configuration profiles and if that does not work reprovision the device.
Posted on 02-03-2023 02:19 PM
Thank you for the response!
We had tried the above and the issue persists.
We were able to progress somewhat. But now we are met with a black window which is supposed to be the google auth window. The error message received is "Contact IT Administrator" with the blank window.
From what I can tell, JamF is working fine, and the login window config is also working fine on any other device. This one specifically appears to be blocked or unable to load and progress googles authentication window.
Thanks again for the response!