Jamf-Migrator, 503 errors

Valued Contributor

Trying to test some new ideas, but getting blocked.

Have "Prod_Server A" and "Dev_Server A"

Created a "MigrationTest" user account on both, with RO privileges on Prod_server, and full admin on Dev_Server A.

Using Jamf Migrator, I have all information entered, but every time I try hitting the "go" button, I get "Service Unavailable. Verify you can manually log into the APO: https://Dev_Server A/api. Error 503".

Now the kicker - I can log into both servers exactly as expected using the MigrationTest account on each, and execute a test query without any trouble, but get the error every time.

Both servers are cloud-hosted, FWIW.

And FWIW, I get the same 503 error if I try curl from the terminal.

Any ideas?


Valued Contributor

Is this a new cloud instance? If so, it takes about a day to allow Jamf Migrator to work - not really sure of the technical reason why.

Make sure you are doing: https://yourinstance.jamfcloud.com

No port (8443) for most cloud instances.

Contributor II
Contributor II

Likely tomcat needs to be restarted.

Valued Contributor


FWIW, no access to Tomcat, this is a Jamf-hosted instance.

Neither site is new. I had Jamf spin the dev site up for us 2-3 weeks ago, but hadn't had time over the holidays to play with it. Prod instance is a couple of years old.

I'll open a support ticket and go from there. Thanks!

Contributor II
Contributor II

Right - opening a ticket is the way to go. As @jared_f mentioned the issue often seems to resolve itself over time.

Curious if you went through the set-up wizard 2-3 weeks ago. I've thought the issue related more to when the set-up wizard was completed vs when the servers were spun up.

Valued Contributor

FWIW, both right. Opened a support case, and had them reboot the .dev environment, cleared the issue up as soon as it rebooted. Appreciate the reminder that sometimes, you just need to turn it off and back on again. ;)