JAMF Nation User Conference 2015: More sessions posted

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hi JAMF Nation,
We are getting really excited for the JAMF Nation User Conference and we're working hard on the final preparations. A fresh batch of sessions was just posted and you can check them out over at the sessions page. Don't forget to mark which sessions you will be attending, this helps us match the sessions to the right stages.

See you there!



Release Candidate Programs Tester

@dustydorey Any idea when the schedules will be properly scheduled?

There's a number all set for the same time, which really makes planing hard. dceb4c18af4a4e4ebcb484739a5b2a65

Contributor III
Contributor III

Hey @bentoms,
The schedule will be posted very soon. In the mean time try to mark the ones you simply can't miss. I hear there's a really interesting talk about certificates that you will want to make sure you don't miss!

Valued Contributor

I was under the impression we'd all be giving our talks at the same time, whoever shouts the loudest wins.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@dustydorey well played man, well played. :)

& thanks for replying.