Posted on 11-19-2015 04:36 PM
I wanted to see if there was interest from the community for a JAMF open bug report database that could be reviewed by all JAMF Nation community or accounts. This would allow others see filed bugs before spending time themselves troubleshooting issues or contacting JAMF support. Or if the bug report database includes workarounds from the community that could be included with the database.
The issue with Apple's Bug Reporter is that it is a closed system that nobody can review and many get frustrated that you spend a lot of time debugging issues and then file a problem ticket to discover that it is a duplicate and bug is closed with no more information. Or others have found workarounds or fixes to bugs, but those aren't shared with those using Apple's Bug Reporter system.
That is one reason that Open Radar project was started. To share information in an open way.
I see that JAMF bug system is also closed and would greatly benefit the JAMF community if it was opened to allow other share information and find bugs before spending time and effort debugging a know issue or sharing workarounds or fixes of know issues or bugs.
If you agree, I would request that you give JAMF feedback to consider making this a option for the community.
Posted on 11-19-2015 05:03 PM
Sorry, just found another similar feature request by Rich Trouton
Seems like a very popular feature request
4170 have voted it up
And Rich has a blog post about it:
Posted on 11-20-2015 07:25 AM
Not only is it a popular feature request. It's the second most popular feature request. There really is nothing stopping the community from creating such a thing on their own though. But it'd be better if JAMF implemented this.
Posted on 11-20-2015 12:40 PM
Not sure if JAMF is considering completely creating there our solution or rebranding a commercial products like:
Or Mozilla Bugzilla
Any other recommendations?