Hi All,
Has anyone got any information on how to create an app for the self service portal that allow a user run Jam policy script ?
sudo jamf policy
# Run the jamf policy command
jamf policy
# Exit the script
exit 0
or just use jamf policy
(without the sudo) in the files and processes payload
Wednesday - last edited Wednesday
If you want to run a specific policy then use: jamf policy -id {id number}
You can get the ID number from the URL of the policy in Jamf Pro (e.g. ........../policies.html?id=684&o=r)
Since the Policy ID can't be reassigned if a policy is accidentally deleted, I almost always use the Custom Trigger option. Then you could use "jamf policy -event WhatEverYourTriggerIs".
Use the file and process payload in the policy add sudo Jamf policy in the execute command and make it available in self service