Jamf Pro 10.7.1 lost Enrollment process

New Contributor

Dear JAMF Nation Comunnity, hope you all are doing great.

We have the following issue, after upgrading to version 10.7.1, we have lost the ability to update, connect or recon any of the devices on campus (20000 devices), I am sharing the images of the errors and see if you can help us solve the case. I also have an open ticket with the Support team.

Error messages:

Computer Name Here:~ $ sudo jamf enroll -prompt
SSH Username: xxxxx
SSH Password:
Downloading required CA Certificate(s)...
An error occurred while enrolling computer: Permission Error - The user specified does not have permission to perform the action.
Restoring JAMF.keychain since an error occurred.
An error occurred while sending enrollment information to Jamf Pro: Security Error - A security error has occurred.
Checking for policies that use the Enrollment Complete trigger
One or more policies that use the Enrollment Complete trigger have failed. Error code: 1 Error message: The operation couldn’t be completed. (com.jamfsoftware.task.errors error 1.)
Enroll return code: 70

MDM Profile Installation Fail.

MDM Push Notification Profile Certificate

Recon Failed During the Submit Process.

Jamf Remote Error

It does not matter if we try on a brand New or Old Computer/device likewise fails.


New Contributor

Hello All,

i finally get everything back again. please refer to the following article


just make sure you don't have any Computer Group that is not longer acceptable.

New Contributor II

Thank you for sharing this. It is interesting that Smart Groups with bad criteria caused such a major issue - glad you straightened it out!

We are looking at upgrading from 10.5.x to 10.7.1 in the next few weeks.

What Jamf Pro version did you upgrade from? Aside from this issue, how did things go?

Thank you again,

New Contributor II

Just to tie off, our upgrade ended up going well. We have observed huge improvements in VPP application handling in 10.7.1.

The only minor hiccup was leftover cluster configuration. After the installer ran and Tomcat started, we received a "This is a non-master JSS web application. Upgrade your master web application before upgrading the non-master web applications." message when accessing the Jamf Pro URL in a browser.

Since we are not clustered (I suspect this was cruft in our original configuration), this solution did the trick:


Many thanks to @david.suehring !