Jamf Pro Device Compliance Integration - Losing Registered Status

New Contributor III

Is anyone else experiencing devices falling out of registered status and thus being marked non-compliant in Microsoft Entra when using the Jamf Pro Device Compliance integration? 

The users are still within the "Compliant" Smart Group in Jamf Pro but they fall out of registration. The Jamf AAD plist is missing and there is no MS-ORGANIZATION-ACCESS entry in Keychain. If I have the users re-register using Self Service/Microsoft Company Portal it will be fine for a while and the Jamf AAD plist and Keychain entry will reappear but then after a couple of weeks the same thing happens all over again. 

Jamf Pro version is 11.3.0 so it shouldn't be related to the recent product issue.


New Contributor III

We script a jamf manage with a sleep of 10 prior to the compliance running which seems to have resolved this issue.

Contributor II

see other threads here about Company Portal v5.2401.2 update released yesterday that has broken the registrations for most of us - https://community.jamf.com/t5/jamf-pro/company-portal-5-2401-2-wit-psso-support/m-p/312344/highlight...