JAMF Pro question for those with knowledge - Re: iPads

New Contributor

Hey guys. We're currently using Mosyle to manager a few (>100) iPads. But the way we're looking to use them is hitting serious snags with Mosyle.

So I'm hoping someone can inform me if this is a Mosyle limitation of an Apple limitation (ie - Can Jamf Pro do this?)

The simple scenario:

We want to be able to use a cart full of iPads and assign them all a single, generic Apple account. This way, we don't have to create an account for each device but we still retain the ability to manage and configure the device. Our users can just pick up the device and it's ready to go (no lock screen/PIN).

Mosyle seems to struggle with this when it comes to deploying Apps to the iPads. Here's how I understand it: I add/configure/push the app from Mosyle. It's assigned to a specific user (this way we get the app to all the iPads using the one account). Mosyle acknowledges this, and as soon as the User logs into an Ipad, the app is then pushed to that specific iPad. But this is where is gets sketchy. It seems Mosyle check basically says "welp, I did exactly what you asked, mission accomplished" and removes any further app pushes or checks. The problem is that this leaves us with a cart full of devices but only ONE with the proper app(s) on it.

Does JAMF have a better way of doing this? Am I just missing something "bigger picture"?

Sorry it's not full "MacAdmin" specific but I'm not sure where else to ask specifically if Jamf can handle it this way.



I would look into leveraging https://business.apple.com or https://school.apple.com with Mosyle for your app deployments.


Valued Contributor

So you assign the app to one single user, and hope it gets installed on more than 100 devices? I don't think this is in line with Apples license conditions.

I think the proper way to do this is to assign the app(s) to the devices, probably by putting the devices in smart or static groups, and assign the app(s) to these groups.

Valued Contributor II

You need to be looking at using Volume Purchasing and device based App assignment. You will need to purchase 100 licenses of each app and then assign them to each iPad. Using a single AppleID and trying to install the same App purchased with that AppleID on 100 devices would be in against Apple's TOS. 

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@Tribruin is correct.  If the app licenses are assigned to the devices, you don't necessarily need to have a user assigned to the device, nor does the user need to sign into the App Store, iCloud, etc. with an Apple ID.  Also, if we are talking about free apps, there's no additional cost.  If these are paid apps however, there will be additional cost to purchase the licenses, but many EDU apps are half price in quantities of 20 or more.

New Contributor

Look - I don't know anything about JAMF.  But I know a little something about Mosyle.

You need to create Apple School Manager for your district and manage your app purchases through there.  Mosyle is your device manager.  You can do what you are wanting by creating a shared cart.  And then you can manage the experience about what you want to install.  It takes a little bit of time to set all of this up.  And honestly, I found it to be a little confusing at times.  We do not use Apple School Manager nor Mosyle as a classroom management tool, since we are not one-to-one on iPads.  This is well worth the effort though.  I am, at this moment, pushing out apps to a "shared cart" of 200 Pre-K ipads.  So it is possible to do this by one district-created Apple ID through Apple School Manager.  I actually use the same admin named ID for both Apple School Manager and Mosyle.  I do have other generated teacher IDs too though - only because it made it easier to assign individual iPads to these accounts for management purposes.  For more than 2 though, you'll need to create a shared cart.