Jamf Pro View Site information

New Contributor II

1) How can I display a list of machines and there sites? 2)How can I display a list of machines with no sites assigned?


New Contributor II

The only way we can see if computers are in a site or not is by having the Jamf Pro server displaying the site in an inventory view, and reviewing the sites they are assigned to. Sites should not be used for organizational or scoping so we don't have features within Jamf Pro that allow us to really display a list showing these things.

New Contributor II

You would be using the API or SQL to generate these reports, or you can use an Extension Attribute and then mass update that EA using the MUT based of a CSV we would export from SQL. Ultimately, the reason sites aren't searchable like this is that sites are not meant to be used for scoping / organization of computers. They are meant to be individual Jamf Pro nodes within the Jamf Pro server. Smart and Static groups as well as EAs and User/Location information should be how we organize and scope things out to our computers.