Jamf SCCM Plug-in won't work after Jamf Pro 11.5 update - Alternative Solutions?

Valued Contributor III


We use the Jamf SCCM Plug-in. With Jamf Pro 11.5 removing the ability to use basic API authentication, what solutions are you moving to? Any workarounds?

All ears and curious about what other Jamf SCCM Plug-in customers are doing.

Thanks a lot...


API basic authentication deprecation

In Jamf Pro version 11.5, the ability to use basic API authentication will be removed. Before upgrading to this version, review any scripts or extension attributes using API calls and update the authentication method to use a bearer token.



Release Candidate Programs Tester

Maybe not the answer you're looking for?

(We don't use SCCM, so I don't have an answer to the question you actually asked)


  • SCCM Plug-inIn a future release of Jamf Pro, Jamf will stop distributing the SCCM plug-in. Existing installations will be supported until licenses expire.

Contributor II

Not sure if you are more using it for Software Asset Management and IT Asset Management or something else? 
We switched to a different solution a while ago. We have ServiceNow for other reasons and cut over to using a connector to pull the data from JAMF into SNow. 

Valued Contributor III

Yes, we use it to sync inventory to our other asset platform. It doesn't look like our platform now has a connector similar to ServiceNow for Jamf. 

Esteemed Contributor

I would suggest looking into Jamf/Azure Device Compliance, as that is the modern version of this SCCM connection that MS and Jamf currently support. I am not aware of any currently supported legacy SCCM/Jamf connectors.

Device Compliance* (jamfcloud.com)