New Contributor

What is the best way to set up the "New Device Name" for devices? We are using them with PK and 1st graders who do not have email (but I can set up if it is easier) or is it easier to do it with serial number? Thanks!


Contributor III

Most schools do 1:1 iPads, so if that is the case hopefully you have a spreadsheet that contains the students username with the serial number of the iPad they've been assigned to. Then you can use an app like MUT to upload what you want the names of the iPads to be. MUT allows you to make plethora of changes to the device record by populating a template spreadsheet (csv file) with the information. link to MUT app.

You can also make sure that you have LDAP lookups enabled under Settings > Device Mgmt > Inventory Collection > and enabling "Collect user and location information from LDAP". Most K-12s will map the position field to the grade level in AD so you could start building groups based on that, or however you prefer to group your iPads.

If you are doing shared iPads (no specific user), you could use a Mobile Device PreStage to name a group of iPads based on a cart of devices or a grade-level of devices. You'd use the naming pre-fix like SITE-HarryPotterCart-SerialNumber, then you can use Mobile Device Smart groups with criteria Display Name like SITE-HarryPotterCart- in order to scope those devices. This is just a couple examples of how to group your devices together so you can scope them to App Assignments or Configuration Profiles (restrictions/settings/wifi).

Valued Contributor II

@ssrussell Jamf School doesn't do LDAP lookups, the data is pulled from an LDAP service (externally accessible AD or Google Secure LDAP) on a nightly basis.

As far an OP's naming question is concerned. You could upload a placeholders csv spreadsheet with device names. Those would of course be static so if you have to reissue devices from one student to another then you'll have to rename them. Do you have access to a G Suite instance? You can as we do give them an account but deny access to services such as Gmail. It won't be easier from a setup standpoint but down the road it will make device distribution easier especially when you start reissuing from one student to another. Having that ability will make naming occur dynamically based off what you have entered so for instance First Initial Last Name or First Name's iPad, etc. A straight up serial number is an option too, but folks besides yourself will not be able to decipher what iPad belongs to which student in certain scenarios.