Jamf Summary Computer Extension Attributes "Windows Script"?

New Contributor III
Looking at Computer Extension Attributes in Jamf Summary… at the end of every bash script is says ” Windows Script …” Just trying to figure out what that is about and should I be concerned about it at all? This does not show up when you look at the Jamf Pro editor for the script. 


ID                 4
Name ............. Last Reboot
Enabled            true
Type ............. String
Mac Script         #!/bin/bash

echo "<result>$(date -jf "%s" "$(sysctl kern.boottime | awk -F'[= |,]' '{print $6}')" +"%Y-%m-%d %T")</result>"
Windows Script ... 



Esteemed Contributor

I am inclined to agree with @sarafoster90, this is probably an artifact of JAMF. Most JAMF Servers are likely windows based (mine is), and its probably something from that.

	ID                 141
	Name ............. JAMF Application Support Volume
	Enabled            true
	Type ............. String
	Mac Script         #!/bin/zsh

## Get logged in user
UserID=$(stat -f%Su /dev/console)
Inspect_Directory=$(sudo du -sh /Library/Application\ Support/JAMF | cut -d '/' -f 1 | awk '{$1=$1};1')

echo "<result>$Inspect_Directory</result>"
	Windows Script ... 


New Contributor III

Funny thing is (since originally posting this) I found one of the Custom Attributes for determining battery health was a windows script for battery health. Suspect it as left there by a contractor who was at one time setting up our environment. really strange. 

 Being new to Jamf I suspected this might be more of an internal artifact of Summary. Relieved that there is not a string of comments saying that something was off :)

Valued Contributor

Jamf supported Windows for a period of time. You could recon and do some things on a windows client.  But since Macs are their bread and butter it didn’t last long or get much traction. So probably legacy from that.