jamfHelper in FRONT of login screen....?


so ok, we already use jamfHelper very frequently here. way better than growl or applescript in my opinion. and, in early testing in both leopard and snow leopard, we loved the fact that it would pop up a window even in FRONT of the login screen.

very convenient if we run updates without any user logged in (which we do sometimes).

only i don't see this functionality in lion. anyone else able to confirm or deny this?


Legendary Contributor III

No it does not work. Are you certain it worked in 10.5 and 10.6? I was under the impression this never worked over the login screen. JAMF Helper is an app, not a binary like the jamf binary, so it needs a user to be logged in to run. Or, at least, with Lion Apple put additional restrictions on what is allowed to run while at the login screen.

Other tools may be able to accomplish this. In the past, some people used iHook, but that hasn't been updated since 2008 so I don't know that it works in Lion.

There are a couple of other options in Lion-
Someone suggested in one of the threads here (can't find it at the moment) that you can unload the loginwindow process. While this won't display a nice message, it will at least prevent someone from trying to log in. Reload it when the script or installation is done.

You could also write into the loginwindow plist and add the LoginWindowText key and a string with the text you want to display. Its not as "in your face" as the jamfHelper (and also won't prevent a login), but it at least gives them a message about what's going on.


thank you for that. much o-preciated.

Legendary Contributor III

No problem. There's more useful information in the following thread, including a method of using jamfHelper as a launchagent process, which looks like it can make it work over the login window-
