Posted on 03-03-2015 01:08 PM
There's a new Java 8 update out as of today. Oracle has decided to change its application deployment strategy from providing a standard installer package to an installer application.
This application will prompt for admin privileges before fully launching.
Once you provide admin authentication, the application launches.
You will be prompted to install an toolbar. The installation of the toolbar is selected by default.
It will then tell you how many devices run Java while it installs.
Once complete, it'll tell you what it's installed.
It'll then ask you to install the toolbar as a Safari extension.
If you then choose to install the toolbar, Safari will look like this.
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:12 PM
YESS!!! I really wanted Extensions built into Java installers. Thanks for following through on my feature request Oracle!
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:13 PM
I like this version of the installation, if you happen to have Apple's Java 6 still installed:
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:14 PM
Good Grief! What the he** is wrong with these people!
They obviously just hired some Adobe developers on the cheap!
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:15 PM
Goodbye Oracle!
You've crossed the line as far as I'm concerned. This is just utter and complete garbage. Application installer instead of a pkg installer? Prompting to install Safari toolbars? This is moving more into the realm of adware than software. What in the world are they thinking?? Maybe they recruited former Adobe installer developers?
As always Rich, your diligence in keeping us informed on this is appreciated.
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:17 PM
@mm2270 at least the JDK for JAVA 8 Update 40 is still a .pkg and doesn't have the Ask toolbar.
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:21 PM
Ah, thanks for that info @jhbush1973. Didn't catch that part. So, the above only applies to the JRE installer?
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:23 PM
@mm2270 it appears so. Hopefully Rich will have a blog post up and I've filed a support ticket with Oracle under our agreement.
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:26 PM
Yeah, issue is, we typically only install the JRE. We don't have much need for the JDK version for our clients. Are we seriously going to need to start doing captures to get Java installers now? If I could convince the org to completely drop using it I would, but of course some web applications require it. Ugh.
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:42 PM
I happend to be testing Rich's script today and I can till you that it is not working.
Running script Script exit code: 255 Script result: /dev/disk2 GUID_partition_scheme /dev/disk2s1 Apple_HFS /private/tmp/java_eight.ZAJY installer: Error the package path specified was invalid: ''. "disk2" unmounted. "disk2" ejected.
It looks like it will still download the new installer DMG, but the app as an installer I think is breaking it.
I did run the app and it did NOT prompt me to install toolbar crap. I will test some more.....
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:45 PM
You can drill down into the package contents, there's a pkg in Resources/JavaAppletPlugin.pkg, which I think is the effective payload we want, without any of the interactive and nonsense
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:49 PM
..and if you use AutoPkg, you can keep using the latest OracleJava8.pkg recipe:
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:49 PM
Looks like there is a .pkg in the app bundle:
Oracle Java 1.8.0_40/Java 8 Update
Pretty sure that is the guy we might want to use.
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:50 PM
+ 1 for AutoPkg
Posted on 03-03-2015 01:54 PM
Well, that gives us something to work with, but let's hope some rationale prevails at Oracle and they return to a regular good ol' package installer at some point. I see no reason to move to an .app installer other than arrogance and/or ignorance.
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:16 PM
There is a JavaAppletPlugin.pkg inside the .app, and for anyone out there in K12 trying to keep the Pearson monster happy, this does appear to work.
Super timing!
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:18 PM
JavaAppletPlugin.pkg does work. I was able to send it out as a policy.
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:20 PM
So, does this update only work on Yosemite? On my 10.9.5 Mac it doesn't show up as being an available update.
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:29 PM
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:29 PM
I see no reason to move to an .app installer other than arrogance and/or ignorance.
+1 arrogance
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:29 PM
It appears to work on both Mavericks and Yosemite. It didn't show up as an update for me on Mavericks but I was able to install it from the DMG. Interestingly, I was not prompted to install the Ask toolbar when I ran the installer on my Yosemite machine. It just skipped that step and never installed it.
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:30 PM
Just downloaded the latest version to see for myself and confirmed that the application DID NOT ask me to install the Toolbar. Makes me wonder if Oracle realized their error early on and removed it...
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:31 PM
McDonald's: More than a trillion served, by robots
High blood pressure? High cholesterol? Diabetes? What are you talking about? There is nothing unhealthy about our food. We have served one trillion people (so far), what's not to like? - George Costanza, McDonalds Franchise Owner
8 billion computers run (meh, maybe cumulatively, over the years) run Java...but Oracle can't afford to hire a capable/competent person to create proper platform specific installers. Very McDonalds.
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:34 PM
I just downloaded it and it did ask me to install the toolbar on my Mavericks VM so it don't think they've removed it.
Posted on 03-03-2015 02:36 PM
the java #toolbargate scandal has begun
Posted on 03-03-2015 03:02 PM
Posted on 03-03-2015 03:03 PM
I've gone from indifferent about Java (at best) to disgusted.
Posted on 03-03-2015 03:12 PM
I simply did not get the ASK Toolbar Installation Prompt at all.
Who the heck uses ASK anyway?
Posted on 03-03-2015 03:16 PM
I declined to install the Ask toolbar, and behold the Sponsors.framework garbage, among other cr@p:
Nice...let's drop aliases into these folders...
Mac:~ admin$ ls -l /Library/LaunchAgents/
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 104 Mar 3 14:54 /Library/LaunchAgents/ -> /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/
Mac:~ admin$ ls -l /Library/LaunchDaemons/
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 103 Mar 3 14:54 /Library/LaunchDaemons/ -> /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Resources/
Mac:~ admin$ ls -l /Library/PreferencePanes/JavaControlPanel.prefPane
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 101 Mar 3 14:54 /Library/PreferencePanes/JavaControlPanel.prefPane -> /Library/Internet Plug-Ins/JavaAppletPlugin.plugin/Contents/Home/lib/deploy/JavaControlPanel.prefPane
Mac:~ admin$
Posted on 03-03-2015 03:17 PM
@mm2270 wrote:
Goodbye Oracle! You've crossed the line as far as I'm concerned.
My personal MBPr has been free of Adobe/Microsoft/Java and it couldn't be happier. ;)
Posted on 03-03-2015 05:40 PM
I've written a post with my findings so far:
Posted on 03-03-2015 05:45 PM
For folks who are using my install_latest_oracle_java_8 script, I've posted an updated script to accommodate for Java 8 Update 40's changes:
Details on the changes are here:
Posted on 03-03-2015 06:08 PM
App installer? Ugh. Ultra annoying. Grrr. But, I've seen the same thing as @quedayone. I wasn't prompted for the Ask toolbar.
Posted on 03-04-2015 03:19 AM
"We want Java on as many devices as possible. So let's make it difficult for IT to deploy. And hijack web beowsers in the process."
I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the Oracle meetings that led us here.
Posted on 03-04-2015 04:48 AM
I would love to have been a fly on the wall at the Oracle meetings that led us here.
I was thinking the same thing yesterday. I would say this was probably not a software engineer's decision (is it really ever?) Some upper management airhead at Oracle that knows nothing about IT or user experience came up with this stroke of brilliance and convinced someone else it was a brilliant idea, and it got approved. I'd imagine at least some of the actual developers at Oracle were probably cringing when they were given this direction.
Posted on 03-04-2015 05:34 AM
Rolled out the package inside the app today - working well.
Ultimately not a big deal - agree with @mm2270][/url - it would not have been the software engineers that 'decided' to do this. Poor guys/gals.
My 2c.
Posted on 03-04-2015 06:01 AM
Is there any reason not to install the JDK instead of the JRE? I've always deployed the JDK because I read a while back that it installed more "bits" that are used by actual Java applications that run on the Mac (not web applets). Perhaps I misinterpreted that? I also was under the impression that the Java 6 implementation that was built into OS X from Apple was based on the JDK as well...
Posted on 03-04-2015 06:09 AM
Using the package inside the app, does it just overwrite the plug-in? IE does it maintain previously pushed settings (for instance updates set to off stay that way after using the package inside the app)?
Gabe Shackney
Princeton Public Schools
Posted on 03-04-2015 06:28 AM
would say this was probably not a software engineer's decision (is it really ever?) Some upper management airhead at Oracle that knows nothing about IT or user experience came up with this stroke of brilliance and convinced someone else it was a brilliant idea, and it got approved.
Absolutely, and that stroke of brilliance was fueled by hard cold cash! Oracle big shots determine that they can't afford to constantly develop bug security/bug fixes = advertising deal.
Won't be surprised when Adobe has to pull the same trick for their shi**y Flash player.
Posted on 03-04-2015 08:05 PM
Here all start complaining!!! At the bottom under “Report an Issue” from the drop down select “Comments and/or Suggestions” and write away!
If thats not enough for you send the CEO’s an email as well!! and they seem to hold a joint CEO positions.