JNUC 2014 - Session Schedule and Mini Events


Session Schedule
We're getting closer to the JNUC and have been getting a few questions about when the different sessions will take place. For now, all the sessions are listed at the same time; a few weeks before the event the final schedule will be posted. Most of the schedule is determined by interest and you can help by clicking on the "I'm attending" link next to your favorite sessions here:

Mini Events
Also, everyone is encouraged to create Mini Events during the JNUC: https://jamfnation.jamfsoftware.com/jnucEvents.html?type=mini
These are community-driven meetups to chat about any topic you're interested in or just to socialze during the week. Mini Events can be scheduled at any time, but here are a few good options during the week:

Monday, Oct 20: Open for Mini Events (but not at the Guthrie).
Tuesday, Oct 21: 11:30-1:30pm (Lunch); 2:30pm-3:30pm (Break); 5:00pm+ (but not at the Guthrie).
Wednesday, Oct 22: 7:00-9:00am; 11:30-1:30 (Lunch); 2:30pm-3:30pm (Break)
Thursday, Oct 23: 7:00-9:00am; 11:30-1:00 (Lunch); 5:00pm+ (but not at the Guthrie).

Best locations for Mini Events during the days at the Guthrie:
Target Lobby (Level Four)
Target Lounge (Level Four)
Level Five Cafe
Nelson/Best Buy Double Classroom (Level Eight)
Cargill Classroom (Level Eight)
Livingston Conference Room (Level Eight)
Guthrie Map: http://www.guthrietheater.org/guthrie_opportunities/venue_rental/map_building

There are also a number of restaurants, bars, and cafes in the area that would work well. Hope this helps; we're looking forward to the biggest and best JNUC yet!


Release Candidate Programs Tester

I've mentioned this to some JAMFs, but I think there should be a dinner & drinks event for JAMFNation.

Meet the deans (@bentoms @mm2270 & @donmontalvo).

Jake, @amanda.wulff & JAMFNations developer.


Valued Contributor III

I would love to attend such an event....keep us posted.

New Contributor III

+1 for me... that would be great...


Hi everyone,
All the JNUC sessions have been posted!

We're now working on the session schedule, and you can help by using the "I'm attending" button to vote for the ones you're most interested in seeing. (The attendee counts help with assigning stages and times.) The final schedule should be available in a week or two.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@cam There was a useful app for JNUC2013 but I don't see it in the Play store for this year? Is that in the works?

Esteemed Contributor III

Valued Contributor II

Wow... I damned near had a heart attack when I noticed all those fancy JNUC 2014 tags everyone is sporting. Thought I screwed up my registration before I realized that it's self bestowed. That, and finding my conformation helped as well...

Legendary Contributor III

@Chris_Hafner - Haha! I went through a similar panic about a week back when I saw I didn't have the JNUC tag either. I had a moment where I thought that I only dreamt that I registered, and now was screwed for going. But all is good.
See you there!

Valued Contributor II

... Yep; I was already wondering how I managed to book a flight and hotel, but not register for a free conference. It'll be good to run into you again. It's been a while since my last Boston JUG.

Valued Contributor II

Mine just showed up, but I know I registered awhile back. I just don't know if my work schedule/workload will allow me to go. Will make that call late next week. The life of a consultant...

Legendary Contributor III

it shows up once you click on the "I'm attending" link for any of the events here to say you're attending, and possibly some other actions. I don't think its directly tied into registering to attend.