JNUC Bottle Share thread

Valued Contributor

Join us in the macadamias slacktivism #jnucbottleshare to discuss. Also feel free to post in here for anything.

Cheers, all!


New Contributor II

Hello Sir, Thank you so much for organizing this mini event! I really enjoyed it last year and would like to share a beer that I enjoy. Right now I am trying to determine if that is is going to be Curmudgeons Better Half or Canadian Breakfast Stout (both from Founders) but, I was also wondering if there is a chance that I could ship my bottles ahead so I dont have to check my bag? If you can help a bald guy out it would be much appreciated.

Valued Contributor

Hey @anderr1! This is a question that actually gets asked often. The best idea is to ship it to your hotel addressed to you, most hotels will hold parcels if you let them know.

The other option is to ship it to jamf software addressed to Mike Paul (@mike.paul). Just give him a heads up if possible on here, on slack (in #jnucbottleshare), or put a very nice note inside the package and hope he doesn't drink it. :)

Cheers! See you there!

Valued Contributor

Side note, CBS is probably in my top 10 favorite beers ever.

Contributor III
Contributor III

I promise not to drink it if shipped to me at the office. Both are viable options, your choice. And id vote CBS as well :)

New Contributor II

Well, I did indeed bring 2017 CBS in my checked bag as well as a bottle of The Chocolate Manifesto from Flying Monkey.

Contributor III
Contributor III

Correction. Back door is unlocked now. Working on elevator access. A jamf is still downstairs till 6:45. Contact me if you are having issues.

New Contributor

Bottle share kill shot.