JSS 9.4, issues, comments, profound revelations?

Contributor II

We are on JSS 9.3, so far so good (inexplicable and intermittent Self Service failings aside), all is well.

Just finished creating an additional VMware RHEL 6.5 for a dev JSS. By the way, for whatever reason i got convinced into thinking I had to go and get Tomcat 7 and there seems no direct / easy way to get Tomcat 7 onto RHEL 6.5 without JBoss support subscription. (which is not totally true apparently).

Then, I consulted the Linux JSS installer, and of course Tomcat is installed as part of the Linux JSS installer, doh.

I have the dev JSS on 9.32 and am thinking of updating to 9.4 and test that a lot, before updating production JSS to 9.4

Thoughts ? Many thanks


Valued Contributor II

At least 2 other threads you should read:

