jss-api Ruby Gem with Casper 9.61 will require Ruby 1.9.2+

New Contributor III

Hi All,

If you're using the open-source Ruby gem I presented at JNUC 2014, please note that once you upgrade to Casper 9.61, the current version of the gem (0.5.5) will error out when it tries to connect to the Casper API.

The reason is that Casper 9.61 addresses the "Poodle" SSLv3 security exploit by disabling support for SSLv3.

I'll be pushing out a new version to address this soon, but there's a caveat: The fix requires a newish version of the ruby rest-client gem, which itself is only compatible with Ruby v1.9.2 and higher

This means that using the jss-api gem with Casper 9.61 and higher will not work if you're still using Ruby 1.8.7

(Apple provided only Ruby 1.8.7 until Mavericks, which has both 1.8.7 and 2.0.0. Yosemite has only 2.0.0)

Please let me know if you have any questions.

I'll update this thread when I push the fix to jss-api, along with notes about how to update it and how to install the older version if needed.



New Contributor III

v0.5.6 has been posted to github and rubygems.org. The link in the original post has links to both, as well as extensive documentation.

To update your existing installation: gem update jss-api

To install fresh: gem install jss-api

To install v0.5.5 : gem install jss-api -v 0.5.5

Depending on your setup, those commands might require root access.


View solution in original post


New Contributor III

v0.5.6 has been posted to github and rubygems.org. The link in the original post has links to both, as well as extensive documentation.

To update your existing installation: gem update jss-api

To install fresh: gem install jss-api

To install v0.5.5 : gem install jss-api -v 0.5.5

Depending on your setup, those commands might require root access.
