JSS Database Backup Utility scheduling no longer working

New Contributor III


I have the JSS database scheduled for running every night at 12am and upon checking if they are still running have found out it hasn't backed up since upgrading to 9.82.

I now get the error failed to create backup schedule.

There is nothing showing in the backup log and the last one shows information from Feb 2016.

Is there something i'm missing like an updated version of JSS database backup utility?


Contributor III

What OS are you using on your JSS?

Contributor II

Our JSS is on Windows and in order to get the scheduled task to run on 9.81 we needed to specify the full path to the Java executable in the Actions tab. You should check that.

Contributor II

@powellbc - Thank you!

Took me a while to decode what you said. For others experiencing this issue. Take a look at Windows Task Scheduler and locate the task JSS Nightly Backup. Edit the arguments under Actions Tab

Change the argument

cmd /c java -jar "C:Program FilesJSSinJSSDatabaseUtil.jar" backup -auto

cmd /c C:ProgramDataOracleJavajavapathjava -jar "C:Program FilesJSSinJSSDatabaseUtil.jar" backup -auto

Note: Any changes to the to the Schedule Backups through JSS Database Utility will revert task in Task Scheduler to the non-full path to Java, thus breaking the schedule backups.