Posted on 10-22-2016 02:49 PM
Has anyone else noticed their Windows JSS being sluggish after the 9.96 update? It seems like page draws are pretty slow. I'm not seeing any other load on the server during this time.
Posted on 10-22-2016 03:19 PM
A conversation on sluggishness was started with the release of 9.93, continuing through the current 9.96. See the separate conversation.
Posted on 10-23-2016 04:01 PM
I've noticed this, Except ours it's like it hangs on retrieving records occasionally at least for us.
Posted on 10-24-2016 06:21 AM
996 includes Tomcat 8. use the Database Utility and up the RAM allowance for Tomcat, and restart the service. had to do this on both our front end and backend servers.
Posted on 11-03-2016 06:03 AM
There is an issue / bug since 9.93. We've got a ticket open and are working with the product team to fix some of the performance issues as the performance is 40-80x worst with latency. I can tell you that their engineering team appears to be working really hard to get these fixed in 9.97 from what I've seen thus far. I would suggest you open a case and see it through with them as what's become evident to me is that each individual environment has a potential pain point that may have not been properly tested.