JUST updating firefox 3.x.x, not later versions

Contributor III

this issue has come up a number of times, i think.

i have to update just the ff 3.6.x apps on disk, leaving any later versions alone. i've tried ungainly combinations of criteria to get mostly there, but it's not foolproof. something like this is close:

application title has Firefox and
application version like 3.6

unfortunately, that also includes machines that have 3.6.x PLUS a later version of ff installed.

how are some of you dealing with this?

in munki, i'd use an update_for 3.6.26 (or similar) key to ensure it does the right thing.


Contributor III


i don't see an acceptable way to deal with this issue with the tools at hand, so i cobbled together a quick wrapper that should do what i want.

this script checks whether the specified app version is present under /Applications, then removes it if it's there, and runs an install via jamf manual trigger. this ensures it won't do anything at all if the version doesn't match. unfortunately, an upgrade requires two policies (one to check, one manually triggered install).

the upside is that the script can be used for any other similar scenario, as the positional arguments correspond to open fields in the jss's script properties.


Contributor III

related to this, what i'm really looking for is version integer/floating point number comparisons similar to this feature request:


i realize the like/has/etc. comparisons are all functions of mysql. there are built in comparison operators that would do what i want here. they just don't seem to be supported in the web gui.
