Language choice of the Jamf Pro Webinterface

New Contributor II

Maybe this is very simple, but somehow I cannot do it (I looked in the Knowledge Base, but the last answer to it was in 2014, then it was told that it is implemented since 9.3.1). We install everything in German, but I would like to have the Webinterface of the JamfPro in English, because it is easier to understand the tips and instruction videos. The german translation is not always clear.

Primary Application Jamf Pro is that = Casper Admin?


Valued Contributor

Every user can set their language preference for the web interface by clicking the user-icon in the top-right corner -> Account Preferences.
Is that what you're looking for?

Honored Contributor
Primary Application Jamf Pro is that = Casper Admin

Jamf Admin = Casper Admin. It's an app within the Jamf Pro suite. When people refer to Jamf Pro they are most likely referring to the Jamf Pro web UI aka the Jamf Pro Server aka the Jamf Software Server aka the JSS. Hope that clears it up for you.

New Contributor II

Thanks to both, helped and cleared