LDAP Servers (Infrastructure Manager) Vs Cloud Identity Provide(Azure AD)

New Contributor

what happens if both are configured, they are compatible?

It's gives preference one over the other, or it's not possible to configure one if the other is configured previously?


Esteemed Contributor

We really need to know what you are trying to do to be able to answer this question. 

New Contributor

El uso de Servidores LDAP (Infrastructure Manager) Vs Proveedores de identidades de nube (Azure AD) como proveedor de identidad para asignar usuarios/enrolas dispositivos.

qué pasa si están ambos configurados?, son compatibles?, se da preferencia a uno u otro, o igual no acepta configurar uno si está el otro...

New Contributor

In some consoles we use LDAP Servers (Infrastructure Manager) but we don't know if we can have problems using at the same time other Cloud Identity Provider like Azure AD to assign users and enroll devices.

What happens if they are both configured? Are they compatible? which one have priority over the other?  Jamf Pro accept configuring one if the other is there...?
