Limit - not disable - Remember joined Wi-Fi locations

Contributor II

I'm building an entirley new corporate infrastructure - ATM i have ~200 macs expanding to over 600 in the next year.

I need to configure the Wi-Fi with two locations:
Corporate Network
Off - Site

I'd like the Corporate Network location to - not remember joined networks and the Off-site location to be able to remember if they're at home then roaming.

The reason is - when in the office - there are open access points at nearby buildings that the Macs sometimes pick up - therefore the system doesn't join the corporate Wi-Fi. The users find they're unable to route anywhere and open a ticket

They're all on 10.13.6

By default - the remember joined networks applies to any location.

Can I do this with a configuraiton profile?

If so - how? I haven't found the correct commands

Or - is there a - defaults write - statement to do such as thing