Lion SIU NetBoot & Casper Imaging Multiple Partition issue


First post here. :-)

In my environment I have setup a 10.7.2 NetBoot that launches Casper Imaging 8.31, our Mac build uses 2 partitions (1 for OS and apps, 1 for user data), which is set in Casper Admin in the partitions tab of the main configuration.

Casper Imaging 8.31 runs through its process but DOES NOT partition the drive to create the 2nd user data partition.

In Casper Admin we have 2 main builds (10.6 & 10.7), when tested in the 10.7.2 NetBoot both builds do not partition, but when booted to our 10.6.8 Casper NetInstall, both 10.6 & 10.7 builds work perfectly fine.

I have tried many different ways of creating a 10.7 NetBoot and none of them work (tried the prescribed JAMF way of using the Automator action to configure for use by Casper, have tried a fresh NetBoot setup with local admin login and auto launching Casper Imaging and still does not work). My last hope is to do another fresh install of Lion with no changes made to it before using Composer.

Has anyone seen this problem before? It would be nice to hear from the guys who also use Casper Imaging to create their multiple partitions and how they created their Lion NetBoot??

Many thanks in advance.

P.S. The exact same Imaging workflows on the Casper Imaging NetInstall 10.6 works fine for both Snow and Lion, this problem is with Lion NetBoot and the "Create Disk" partitioning that runs just before imaging. I can't see any error in the Imaging logs.


Valued Contributor II

well in 8.4
i say create 3 partitions and i get 4 and then the OS install creates the fifth one. I was assuming that i was just doing something wrong or not understanding the way it should work. I will try to upgrade my lab to 8.43 this next week and see if i can get it working properly. Essentially when i was deploying the last couple of weeks i just manually did the partitioning to get it to work properly.

Valued Contributor III

I have seen the same issue with 8.3 and X.7 , I upgraded to 8.43 and the issue was resolved.


Thanks for the feedback so far, I might resort to a partition disk script to run as the first "first run" script