List all members of a local group

Contributor II

Does anyone have a script that iterates through all members of a local group?

I currently have this:


result=`dscl . -read /Groups/ | grep GroupMembership | cut -d ':' -f 2 | sed -e 's/^[ 	]*//'`

echo "<result>$result</result>"

But, some members are AD and referenced with a GeneratedUID and do not show up in my results. If i run the below command i'll find them, but then would also need to run a similar command to find AD groups that are nested in the local group. So i'm trying to iterate through everything and get a true full membership as the result.

dscl /Active Directory/<DOMAIN>/All Domains -search /Users GeneratedUID <GUID>

Legendary Contributor III

You may have better luck getting the details you want with:

dseditgroup -o read

That should list a lot of information about the group, including group membership, RealName, RecordName, GeneratedUID, etc. It still may only show you the GUIDs for any nested groups, if there are any, and not the details on those groups. I'm not sure if that's specifically what the issue is in your case, or if its more related to user accounts.

Contributor II

Hi @mm2270. When I run that i do see GeneratedUID's as the members:

sAttrTypeStandard:NestedGroups -
dsAttrTypeStandard:GroupMembers -

What i'm looking for is a script that pulls the GroupMembers, NestedGroups, etc and then converts to a human-readable output. Not just for local users/groups, but for AD users/groups that may be in there. I've seen one like that in the past, but didn't bookmark and no amount of googling is helping me find it again.

Honored Contributor II

I haven't got a script to hand but I think its something like dscl . -read /Groups/ GroupMembership

Contributor II

@davidacland That's weird...on one of my systems it works, but another says "No such key: GroupMembership"

Honored Contributor II

That might be one of these reasons:

  • On one of the Macs doesn't have any users in that group
  • It's a different version of OS X and the attribute name changed

Would either of these apply?

Legendary Contributor III

But dscl . -read /Groups/ GroupMembership isn't going to list the NestedGroup membership information. It will show user accounts in that group, but not any nested groups, as far as I can tell.

I don't have the group on my Mac, but if I substitute it with the local "admin" group, it will show all accounts (AD + local) that are part of the group, but I happen to know there is a nested AD group that is mapped to the local admin group that it does not list. Even if it did, it would probably only list the GeneratedUID and not a human readable name.
Unfortunately, getting an accurate picture on group membership on OS X can be tricky. Its a little bit of a mess because of inheritance, nested groups from directory services, system generated membership and so on.

Legendary Contributor III

OK, it just occurred to me that some of the posts here already provided the answer, but they need to be paired together. Try the following script. I can't test it too effectively, so not sure how well it will work, but I tested it against our local admin group and it returned member names as well as the AD nested group name(s)



## Get group member names if present, send to array
groupMembers+=($(dscl . read /Groups/$groupname GroupMembership 2>/dev/null | tr ' ' '
' | sed '1d'))

## Get the NestedGroup value if present, send to array
nestedGroupMembers+=($(dscl . read /Groups/$groupname NestedGroups 2>/dev/null | tr ' ' '
' | sed '1d'))

## If nestedGroupMembers array is not empty, read each item,
## check to see if its a local group or domain group and get membership info
## Add anything found into the original groupMembers array
if [[ "${nestedGroupMembers[@]}" != "" ]]; then
    while read GUID; do
        if [[ "$GUID" == "ABCDEF"* ]]; then
            nestedGroupName=$(dscl . search /Groups GeneratedUID "$GUID" | tr '[	]' '
' | head -1)
            nestedGroupName=$(dscl "/Active Directory/DOMAIN/All Domains" search /Groups GeneratedUID "$GUID" | tr '[	]' '
' | head -1)
    done < <(printf '%s
' "${nestedGroupMembers[@]}")

echo "<result>$(printf '%s
' "${groupMembers[@]}")</result>"

Change the group name up top to or whatever you want to pull info for, and also the "DOMAIN" in the 3rd dscl command searching against AD. Of course, this will only work if the Mac it runs on is joined to AD and is in range of your DCs. You can't use dscl -search against the local domain to read back a domain based nested groups details, so searching AD seems to be the only way.