Posted on 12-16-2015 05:09 AM
Good Day All,
So we already have Parallels Desktop Business Edition deployed to a number of our clients but when it was deployed none of the settings were locked down. Our users are not admins but currently they can still create virtual machines as they please. I want to change the settings in Parallels to only allow administrators to have the ability to create new VMs and add existing VMs. Basically, I want to check all of these "Require Password" boxes on:
I found this older script on the Parallels website and I am able to modify it to do what I want, sort of. Here's the script I'm working on:
#Locking Snapshots
stringA='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation"/>'
stringB='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation">
#sed -iE 's|$stringA|$stringB|g' $vmdirectoryfile #Locking down
perl -pi -w -e "s|$stringA|$stringB|g;" $vmdirectoryfile
# stringA="<LockedSign>0</LockedSign>"
# stringB="<LockedSign>1</LockedSign>"
# sed -i -e "s|$stringA|$stringB|g" $vmdirectoryfile
Basically, I'm able to do the find and replace going from stringA to stringB. The problem is that this will only work if the XML file doesn't already have any LockedOperations set. Some of our users might already have some LockedOperations. I need a way to always replace whatever they might already have set with what I want to be set. Does that make any sense?
Does anyone have any clues? I need some sort of wild cards and need a way for sed or perl to work with newlines.
Solved! Go to Solution.
Posted on 12-16-2015 09:29 AM
I figured it out. This has been tested on Parallels Desktop version 11. I'll test it on other versions soon. If anyone is interested, here you go:
# location of the XML file with the preferences to lock down
# variables containing items to change
stringA='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation"/>'
stringB='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation">
stringC='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation">'
# Exit Parallels if it's currently open
osascript -e 'tell application "Parallels Desktop" to quit'
sleep 10
# If nothing is currently locked down then lock it down
if grep -q "$stringA" $vmdirectoryfile
echo "nothing is currently set, setting it now"
perl -pi -e "s|$stringA|$stringB|g" $vmdirectoryfile
# If something is currently locked down then lock down our specific settings
if grep -q "$stringC" $vmdirectoryfile
echo "something is currently set, adding our locked settings"
perl -i -p0e "s|<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation">.*?</CommonLockedOperations>|$stringB|s" $vmdirectoryfile
# Makes sure the padlocks are locked
sed -i -e "s|$stringA|$stringB|g" $vmdirectoryfile
sed -i -e "s|<LockedSign>0</LockedSign>|<LockedSign>1</LockedSign>|g" /Library/Preferences/Parallels/dispatcher.desktop.xml
Posted on 12-16-2015 09:29 AM
I figured it out. This has been tested on Parallels Desktop version 11. I'll test it on other versions soon. If anyone is interested, here you go:
# location of the XML file with the preferences to lock down
# variables containing items to change
stringA='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation"/>'
stringB='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation">
stringC='<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation">'
# Exit Parallels if it's currently open
osascript -e 'tell application "Parallels Desktop" to quit'
sleep 10
# If nothing is currently locked down then lock it down
if grep -q "$stringA" $vmdirectoryfile
echo "nothing is currently set, setting it now"
perl -pi -e "s|$stringA|$stringB|g" $vmdirectoryfile
# If something is currently locked down then lock down our specific settings
if grep -q "$stringC" $vmdirectoryfile
echo "something is currently set, adding our locked settings"
perl -i -p0e "s|<CommonLockedOperations dyn_lists="LockedOperation">.*?</CommonLockedOperations>|$stringB|s" $vmdirectoryfile
# Makes sure the padlocks are locked
sed -i -e "s|$stringA|$stringB|g" $vmdirectoryfile
sed -i -e "s|<LockedSign>0</LockedSign>|<LockedSign>1</LockedSign>|g" /Library/Preferences/Parallels/dispatcher.desktop.xml
Posted on 12-16-2015 08:24 PM
@catfeetstop Life sure is funny sometimes. I happen to be doing some research on deploying virtual machines. I was naturally leaning towards VMware Fusion because I've deployed it before and it works. But then I read this thread and didn't even know such a feature existed. I checked and nothing like it comes up for Fusion so now I'm going to evaluate Parallels. VMware should really add this. Like you, I want to deploy this VM but I don't want end users (who don't have admin rights on their machine to begin with) to use the VM as a way around admin access (the user in the VM will not have admin access either). So this is a really neat enterprise friendly-feature. Thanks for sharing and answering your thread.
Posted on 12-17-2015 01:00 PM
@bpavlov I bet you can do something similar with Fusion though I've never tried. It seems like most things you do in applications preferences write to a text/xml file somewhere on the computer. If you can find those files then you can probably write a script to edit those files with the settings you want. I was able to hunt down these text files using the fs_usage command in the terminal. Not sure if you've ever used fs_usage but it's kind of similar to the old fseventer app. Very handy stuff. Good luck with things!