Mac is not encrypted but recovery key is showing

New Contributor III

Few macs are not encrypted as per JAMF console but JAMF is showing me their individual recovery key, how it is possible, do you think those are false key for those macs or macs are encrypted but showing me false info as not encrypted? In this case what is the solutions?


Valued Contributor II

First, have you put hands on some of these systems to check if FileVault is turned on? Have these Macs been previously enrolled in Jamf Pro but their machine record was not deleted before re-enrolling them? The recovery keys could be left over from a previous enrollment, but I would think that this information would have been removed from the machine record after an inventory was ran and found that the Mac was not encrypted.

Esteemed Contributor II

Look for Macs where the Personal Recovery Key Validation field is not set to Valid. That will tell you if a Mac is encrypted but Jamf Pro can't verify the key that has been escrowed.