MacBook Air Early 2015 - Won't Netboot

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Hello fine people.

I just got a shipment of MacBook Air 13" Early 2015 Models and not one of them will netboot.

My Late 2014 models all netboot just fine.

I've created new netinstallers but no matter what I try. Nada.

I'm using 9.65

Anyone else had this? Or got any of these?



Valued Contributor

You'd need to create new NetBoot sets from the OS on the new MacBook Airs since they have a special build of OS X 10.10.2.

I've chosen to use a "no-imaging" approach for these for now, where I boot into the Recovery HD, attach a USB drive and install some bootstrapping packages.

Once 10.10.3 ships I'll build a new (hopefully "universal") NetBoot set.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@RossDrummond The new models come with their own "forked" build of OSX.

  1. So you'll need to grab a copy of Composer (i'd recommend 9.7)
  2. Boot an new untouched MacBook Air into Target Disk Mode
  3. Create an OS.dmg of it via Composer.
  4. Create an NBI via AutoCasperNBI
  5. Upload the new NBI to your NetBoot Server.
  6. Upload the OS.dmg created at 3 to Casper Admin.
  7. Netboot & image

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@gregneagle @bentoms

Thanks guys, I created a new image via AutoDMG from the latest installed of 10.10 from the AppStore but i'll try this route. Do you know what's changed in these models that they've forked?

I owe you a reply as well @bentoms Using your new AutoCasperNBI works a treat!

Valued Contributor

But don't worry, you're not alone.

One does not know about fork builds until they survive their first new round of hardware.

@RossDrummond On the Airs it was new processors and the new Thunderbolt 2 port. On the 13" MacBook Retinas, along with the Thunderbolt 2 port and processor bump, they also got the new Force touchpad. Processor bumps don't always fork the OS but at least the Thunderbolt and touchpads did.

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II


It's almost always the logic board hardware that has changed, causing a need for new kernel drivers. Since the logic boards were not in production when 10.10.2 was released, a new build of 10.10.2 had to be built that included the new kernel drivers. This is the way Apple has always operated, and I highly doubt it will change.

This discussion has some ideas on how to grab the InstallESD.dmg file from that MacBook Air, in case you do not want to use the Composer method that @bentoms mentioned abve:

Early 2015 macs - can not download "Install OS X Yosemite"

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It's all coming back to me now @adamcodega @stevewood! Those grey discs in the paper bag, going through them all trying to find the right installer!

Thanks for your responses, a momentary brain fart, totally forgot they do that!


Contributor II


I just got one of these MBA's A1466 7,2 hit my environment. I am currently using one of your Netboot configs built late last year. By using the steps below and the rest of the process, am I going to have to have two NBI's on my network(and possibly three when I start seeing the new Macbook)? What are other's plans.

Having to rebuild a NBI every time Apple tweaks hardware really bites. Wish there was another, more hardware agnostic way.


Posted: 4/2/15 at 8:55 AM by bentoms

@RossDrummond The new models come with their own "forked" build of OSX.

So you'll need to grab a copy of Composer (i'd recommend 9.7)
Boot an new untouched MacBook Air into Target Disk Mode
Create an OS.dmg of it via Composer.
Create an NBI via AutoCasperNBI
Upload the new NBI to your NetBoot Server.
Upload the OS.dmg created at 3 to Casper Admin.
Netboot & image

Honored Contributor II
Honored Contributor II

@Diddel you should be able to boot everything prior to the MBA if you build an NBI using the build of 10.10.2 that is specific to that MBA. However, you can also wait for 10.10.3 to drop, which is rumored to happen today. With that update, fingers crossed, you should be able to boot the new MBA, the new MacBook, and the new MacBook Pro.

That would allow you to have one NBI set to boot everything, until Apple releases new hardware, then it is rinse and repeat the process.

Contributor II


Thanks for the heads up on 10.10.3. I have been on vacation for the past 2+ weeks and I just came back to all this. I did not take technology with me on the road other than a phone so I have been out of the loop on 10.10.3.

I will hold out for the update and then update the NBI and cross the fingers.


@Diddel you should be able to boot everything prior to the MBA if you build an NBI using the build of 10.10.2 that is specific to that MBA. However, you can also wait for 10.10.3 to drop, which is rumored to happen today. With that update, fingers crossed, you should be able to boot the new MBA, the new MacBook, and the new MacBook Pro.

That would allow you to have one NBI set to boot everything, until Apple releases new hardware, then it is rinse and repeat the process.

Valued Contributor

Well speak of the devil. 10.10.3 just dropped.

New Contributor

Thanks everyone, I was having difficulties with the Early 2015 MBA's as well. After updating to 10.10.3 and creating a new NBI i can now image these.

New Contributor

Anyone else running into an issue with AutoCasperNBI not being able to recognize 10.10.3?

New Contributor

@obannonl what steps did you follow to create a new NBI for 10.10.3?

New Contributor

@rbecerra The method I used was I took a brand new MBA Updated the OS to 10.10.3
Enable root user and turn on auto logon to root user
Reboot(System should then auto logon as root user)
Configured how I wanted the NBI to look(Casper Imaging on the dock and auto Launch, background color, etc)
Reboot into Target disk mode and connect(Thunderbolt Cable) to system running same OS(10.10.3)
Use Disk Utility to create image file(DMG)) from the target disk
Use System Image Utility to create NetBoot image from the DMG just created
Copy Netboot Image to server

I haven't tried using the AutoCasperNBI tool so I don't know the time difference, but my method takes me about an hour to complete.


I'm having an issue with my NBI which was created with AutoCasperNBI on a 2015 MBA with 10.10.3 installed. I can get into the NBI and run Casper Imaging but it fails to install the OS every time (actually fails to install any OS I have). It just skips over it like it can't mount the distribution point or something. The error log doesn't show any issue with it mounting the DP. The error I get is:

Error: The package "Base_10.10.3-14D131.hfs.dmg" does not exist in "/Volumes/CasperShare/Packages/"

Here is what I can't figure out if I throw my old NBI back on the server and boot into it I can image the computer just fine with the 10.10.3 OS.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@stutz That seems like Casper Imaging cannot find the OS.dmg.

Do you have multiple DP's, have they been replicated?

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@rbecerra How was the 10.10.3 OS.dmg created & what version of AutoCasperNBI?

AutoDMG created OS.dmg's should work fine for AutoCasperNBI release version.

If captured an OS.dmg using composer & didn't select recovery HD (a composer 9.7 feature), then you'll need to try the pre-release.


No I just have the one DP.

Casper Imaging can find the DP on the old NBI but not the new one is what it appears. I tried re-creating the NBI on a different computer and the same issue occurs.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@obannonl on my rMBP 2013, NBI's take under 20 minutes.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@stutz Different versions of Casper Imaging?


Nope same one v9.62.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@stutz what OS was old NBI? Can you try a newer Casper Imaging on the new NBI?


The OS was 10.10.2. I'll give v9.7 a shot and see if I get anything different.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@stutz 9.65 imaging might be a better bet. There seems to be issues with 9.7 imaging & recovery partition for some.

Valued Contributor II

You won't be able to image OS X 10.10.2 or later unless you're at 9.65 at a minimum (due to a defect in the OS version detection in Casper Imaging 9.63 and earlier. We don't talk about 9.64). As @bentoms said, 9.7 may have some issues with deploying the Recovery partition in some situations, but 9.65 is pretty tried-and-true.


Issue was resolved by using a more updated version of Casper Imaging. I was using v9.62 and then tried to create the NBI with CI v9.7. Recovery partition seems to be ok in the many tests I have ran on multiple computers.

Thanks for the advice.

New Contributor

@bentoms latest version of AutoNBI downloaded here:

However, we are running ver 9.4 of Casper. Largely because we've had so, so many issues with Casper upgrades our director has put a stop to any upgrades during production time.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

New Contributor

@bentoms yeah, we can try that one as well.

Valued Contributor II

@rbecerra If you are trying to image 10.10.x, you must be on JSS 9.6 or later. 9.65 seems to be working the best of 9.6-9.7 in my experience.

New Contributor

@RobertHammen was actually able to netboot and image with 9.4 today.

Valued Contributor II

Are you imaging 10.10.2 or later? I am amazed that it works. Do you have a Recovery partition? Does it take a long time? Remember, JAMF did not officially support managing or imaging Yosemite until 9.6.

New Contributor

@RobertHammen imaging 10.10.3, brand new macbook air, made the nbi using autonbi. there is a recovery partition, but just did standard imaging.

took maybe 35 minutes or less? i left it to do other things. rather than going all out w/all our software suites i did base OS, quick add package (due to other outstanding casper issues), a few browsers, and our interactive projector software.

we've had a 10.10 image since the fall, and were able to image it fine just needed a new nbi for the new macbook airs to netboot. other than that fine.

and there are a lot of things jamf claims that we take with a grain of salt, either regarding things they claim to support or do not support.

we had an issue with enrollment post-imaging, but honestly that's been a problem since long before 9.4 and occurs regardless of on-site or hosted jss. enrollment on imaged machines is just a PITA, basically.

but yes, it works, and not significantly faster or slower than any other configuration we have right now.

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@rbecerra i've not had any issues with enrolment & imaging with v9, but have seen others with issues.

I'm curious to see why I don't have these issues, my workflow is detailed here

Does yours differ much?

New Contributor III

I have gone through every process we have ever used including AutoCasperNBI, Create NetInstall Creator, using AutoDMG to build Base OS and Casper Admin. The real kicker for me is I have used System Image Utility on my MacPro 10.4.4 Server to create NetRestore of MBAir 7,1 and 7,2 Early 2015 models out of box, NetInstall using 10.10.4 build 14E46 of Yosemite Installer and a NetBoot of same models logged into and configured for simple Netboot and none of them will boot the Early 2015 MBAirs. I'm also not able to build image booted from Thunderbolt External Drive using Disk Utility. Have also tried disabling Core Storage and building netboot images. Still no boot. Spent hour and a half on phone with AppleCare Support today looking at server settings etc. they ended up have me user Enterprise Data Capture to send them logs etc. from server to have engineers research. They said would get back to me in 2-3 Business days.

Valued Contributor III


I have created netinstall images and netboot image with System Image Utility utility using X.10.4 and they work fine on all the 2015 MBA and MBP...

I do know with X.9 and X.10 had issues creating creating the imagines were the server was installed... I would recommend using a new out of box 2015 MBA that is updated and run System Image Utility from that and see how that works.


Release Candidate Programs Tester

@rfreeborn AutoCasperNBI basically uses the same scripts as SIU to create an NBI. As per,

What errors are you seeing?

New Contributor III

I did try using an out of box MBA and updated to 10.4 and was able to create the image but it would not netboot. I am not seeing any errors. Choosing from option boot, making NBI default using N key at start up or using startup disk preference booted from Recovery goes to black screen and after about 30 to 45 seconds it just reboots to local drive and comes up to set up assistant.

Jul 17 10:19:08 [-0-] bootpd[1713]: BSDP INFORM [en0] 1,68:5b:35:86:b3:e0 NetBoot005 arch=i386 sysid=MacBookAir7,2
This is a Boot Service Discovery Protocol (BSDP) message from the client to generate a reply from BSDP servers.

Jul 17 10:19:08 [-0-] bootpd[1713]: NetBoot: [1,68:5b:35:86:b3:e0] BSDP ACK[LIST] sent pktsize 347
This BDSP message indicates the server replied with a list of available NetBoot images.

So basically the client is unable to send the disk selection back to the server to begin the netboot session.

I am able to netboot older models to their original NBIs that were built with 10.9.5 but of course the new MBAir Early 2015 won't netboot to it. You just get the prohibited symbol (Circle w/Line through it).

Release Candidate Programs Tester

@rfreeborn Can you try creating a 10.10.4 OS.dmg in AutoDMG & then putting that through AutoCasperNBI & then try that?