MacBook Pro 'Fingerprint limit reached.'

Contributor III

just got a MacBook Pro 13" with Touch Bar, imaged it to 10.12.3, logged in, encrypted with FV2, and attempted to setup Touch ID. I get the error: "Fingerprint limit reached. To add a new fingerprint, remove a fingerprint from any account on this Mac." This is a brand new user on a freshly imaged machine..

Anyone else seeing this?

Only thing I've seen pertaining to this hints it might be related to FV2:


Contributor III

Turning off FV2 allowed me to add fingerprints, not sure why. I even tried to reproduce the error on another machine and was unable to.

View solution in original post


Contributor III

Turning off FV2 allowed me to add fingerprints, not sure why. I even tried to reproduce the error on another machine and was unable to.

Contributor III

How many fingerprints do you have on the computer? I've been able to have FV2 turned on and create new fingerprints when a new user logs in ok.

Contributor III

Never have seen this and were using FV2. Curious as were considering this TouchID and AppleWatch unlock as methods for our users to use pending testing to log in to computers.

Would be curious to see if it happens to you again or any others.

Contributor III

@roiegat that was the bug, there were no fingerprints entered. I haven't seen it on every touch bar machine, only a few.

@daniel_ross I'll update this post if I learn anything further, it may be related to our use of Symantec Endpoint Encryption to escrow FV2 recovery keys

Contributor III

@mapurcel I would rebuilt the machine from scratch and maybe reset the PRAM and see if that helps the issue. Very odd that FV2 is causing fingerprint issues.