macOS 15 Sequoia pop-up for Local Network access

New Contributor II

We deploy a number of security products that require specific privacy preferences be set so that users don't block them from working. A couple recent deployments I've witnessed a new privacy pop-up for local network devices. I'm using JAMF Pro 11.9.0, but do not see any privacy preference options for this new Sequoia option. Anyone else seeing this or perhaps I'm looking in the wrong place. Just wanted to confirm with the community before raising it to support.


New Contributor II

Should have included in the original post, but I did run across this post with the usual Apple response

Honored Contributor III

Welcome to macOS 15. It's not that Jamf does not have a button for Local Network Access, it's that Apple does not make a key pair to manage this. The best suggestion I have is to submit feedback to apple, but don't expect this one to be changed.

Contributor III

Also need help with that

New Contributor III

as @AJPinto we are at Apple's mercy on this.  I spoke with my account rep about it and they mentioned that I am not alone in this complaint (as well as the 30 day screen sharing authorization) and for whatever it is worth all the customer feedback is being brought back to the team that makes the decisions.  To me this is reason enough not to offer Sequoia to the end users for as long as I can avoid it


I was about to post the same question, has anything at all been released for additional privacy overrrides, such as the system window picker/screen recording?

New Contributor III

I hope they find a solution for this quickly.

For those that use NoMAD to communicate with on premises servers it broke the communication. Also broke communication with apps that communicate within the network for casting (I am in education).

You just have to allow the apps, but would be nice if we can get a plist or json file to do this across our fleet. 

Honored Contributor III

For those that still use NoMad, retire it now. Not tomorrow, retire it now. If you are still using NoMad you are brokering credentials on a fully end of life product that has not been patched in 10 months and will never receive another patch.