Posted on
07:29 AM
- last edited
Hi Folks,
Does anyone know how to suppress the macOS notifications when enabling automatic updates? Per screenshot. We had to enable security updates on our workstations and ever since we did, users are also receiving the macOS High Sierra prompt to upgrade. We would like to kill this if possible. Any help would be appreciated.
Posted on 01-10-2018 10:36 AM
In the JSS under Restricted Software you can restrict Processes. The process that causes this is 'Notification Center' or 'NotificationCenter' if you restrict this process those pop ups can't appear. I have not tested this besides force quiting via activity monitor.
(force quitting in activity monitor does indeed work, so as long as kill process is selected in restricted software it should work to the best of my knowledge. im testing it now)
Posted on 01-10-2018 11:10 AM
@Hugonaut That's pretty cool! I'm going to try it. Be back!
Posted on 01-10-2018 11:17 AM
remember that stops ALL NOTIFICATION SETTINGS... email updates, pandora, incoming whatever etc, im looking into how to stop just apple updates
@monaronyc i've also found that the Notification Center process name is actually NotificationCenter (one word so make sure to do exact) & I would even create 2 restricted software policies with both NotificationCenter & Notification Center to cover the bases.
Posted on 01-10-2018 11:34 AM
(colleague) @amoscowitch advised this might work but I have not tested it yet, targeting just the apple notifications. Script it for at boot.
launchctl unload -w /System/Library/LaunchAgents/;
Posted on 01-10-2018 11:39 AM
I believe this pop up is pushed out via a hidden apple update called macOSInstallerNotification_GM.pkg.
If you have some kind of SUS setup, you can disable/restrict this package from installing. If you don't, I suppose you could create a restricted software record in JAMF to block that package from being installed. Another common suggestion that I've seen on jamfnation a lot is to use the sudo softwareupdate --ignore macOS High terminal command to block the upgrade altogether, although I'm not sure if that stops the notification from the notification center.
Posted on 01-11-2018 06:58 AM
Posted on 01-24-2018 09:38 AM
@Hugonaut Output says: Could not find specified service.
Posted on 01-30-2018 11:52 AM
This was tooooo easy! Try this if you're having the same problem in your environment:
Curious to see what it breaks!
Posted on 01-31-2018 07:34 AM
There have been others that proposed the solution to move or delete the OSXNotification.bundle file, but I've been hesitant because I haven't heard if it breaks something else.
Are there people that can confirm this works and is a proper solution?
Posted on 02-02-2018 05:23 AM
@monaronyc Great Find & Let us know how it works!
Posted on 02-02-2018 06:02 AM
@monaronyc @jhalvorson We have moved the OSXNotification bundle out, and I have received a massive drop-off in restricted software notifications. We didn't want to nuke notifications all together, just the HS upgrade spam.
I have not yet noticed collateral damage.
Posted on 07-18-2018 08:36 AM
Everyone still feeling good about the "move OSXNotification.bundle" solution?
Posted on 07-18-2018 08:39 AM
Doing a "softwareupdate --ignore macOSInstallerNotification_GM" has stopped the OS upgrade prompts for us. I got a confirmation on this with AppleCare after much complaining.
Posted on 03-06-2019 04:03 PM
@dgreening so if I create a policy and add this to a command to files and processes, and scope it to all users it should just stop that notification correct?